‘I know. I read her latest blog post.’
My stomach sinks. ‘Christ, what has she posted now?’
‘You haven’t seen it?’
‘If I had, I wouldn’t be asking.’
She grunts, as if she’s the adult fed up with my attitude. ‘You should read it. You should also go see her after breakfast.’
‘That’s difficult, since she won’t speak to me.’
‘Because you never told her about me. It’s okay. I get why you might not have wanted to. Sometimes we want to pretend we’re something else, right?’
‘I would never want to pretend I don’t have the most amazing daughter in the world, Cady. I adore you, you know that. I guess it just didn’t come up, and it was easier to show Izzy a simplified version of myself – a single guy who would argue with her for two weeks, then wave her off to London.’
‘Well, the London part I can’t really solve for you. But if you read her blog post, I don’t think you will be so afraid to see her.’
I feel my eyes narrow. ‘What does this post say?’
‘You’ll see.’
Brooks hasn’t turned up at the gym and it’s almost eleven. I know he has a client booked for a session in half an hour.
Will he show? It’s Brooks; of course he’ll show.
That thought doesn’t make me feel less nervous; it makes me feel worse.
Will he have seen the blog post?
Sitting at my laptop in the bistro, I read what I wrote for what must be the fiftieth time.
Public Apology
Two days ago, I wrote a nasty post about Brooks Adams. The post has since been removed and I won’t repeat what it said. Suffice it to say, I hurt Brooks and someone very close to him.
To both of you, I am truly sorry for how I behaved.
I wrote that post in a hurt and catastrophically jealous fury. It was childish and I am deeply regretful.
The truth is, Brooks Adams is a good man. The best, even. I think I have brought out the worst in Brooks since we met and I know he brings out the worst in me. But here’s the thing: I believe we bring out the best in each other, too.
The last two weeks have been the greatest of my life and I’ll be sad to see our competition end. More than that, I’ll be sad to no longer have a reason to have Brooks in my life every day.
From the bottom of my heart, Brooks, I’m sorry. Please find it in that enormous heart of yours to forgive me.
To the other person I hurt: I hope to get the chance one day to tell you in person how truly remorseful I am.
Why did I write that? Conscience. Guilt.
The last person I expected to see when I answered my apartment door at nine thirty on a Friday night was Sarah. My first moment of realization was staring her in the face and wishing it had been Brooks knocking on my door, because I would rather fight with Brooks than be in anyone else’s company.