Page 68 of Two to Tango

My head is awash with tears and fury. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know because I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about Brooks. He makes me question who I really am and what I want. No one has ever made me question that; they’ve only directed me to be something different. Brooks likes me the way—

No, he doesn’t like me for who I am. He doesn’t give two hoots about my happiness. He wanted a shag.

Well, screw him. Screw this whole damn experience. He can get stuffed if he thinks I’m just going to swan into the gym today and act like he didn’t leave me in stockings and suspenders in a candlelit living room while he bonked the person he’s really in a relationship with two doors down.

Tears roll down my cheeks and I have no idea what I’m crying over. My own embarrassment, or that I lost something I never really had.

Angry, I swipe away the wetness from my cheeks.

As I stand, my mobile rings. My sister’s name illuminates the screen. A familiar voice.


‘How’s it going over there, author extraordinaire?’

The sound of someone who loves me brings back my tears.

‘It’s okay. I’m ready to come home.’

‘Are you crying?’

I take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of my nose. ‘No, I was cutting an onion.’

‘Isn’t it morning in NYC? Izzy, you never cry. What’s wrong?’

‘Oh, you know, fell for the guy I’m supposed to be in competition with. Slept with him and found out he has a… someone.’

‘Bastard. He’s married?’

‘I don’t know about married but there’s someone else for sure.’

‘Dirty bloody wanker. But he’s not worth tears, surely? You’ve only been there a few days. I mean, you helped him cheat on someone. It’s not the end of the world. Maybe Mummy is right about his type.’

‘Excuse me?’

‘You know, tattoos, no brain. He’s hardly husband material, is he?’

‘You’re unbelievable, Anna. The last thing I would expect from you is an I told you so. I’m going.’

‘Wait, Iz, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to make you feel better, that’s all. You had a fling with a bad boy; don’t let it get you down.’

‘Too late.’

‘What are you going to do about it?’

‘There’s not much I can do. Get through the next few days and never see him again.’ That thought stabs like a blunt knife in my chest.

‘Well, it may be the vindictive journalist in me, but don’t you have a well-read blog? If it were me, I wouldn’t let him get off so easily.’

‘I couldn’t blog about it. It’s my life too.’

‘I’m not Yoda – take or leave my suggestion. Bet it would make you feel better, though. Otherwise, go get yourself a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and a bottle of wine and stew Bridget Jones-style. Anyway, I have to go to a meeting. I was just checking in. Mummy asked me to call because she’s too proud to call herself when she doesn’t agree with your, how does she put it…?’

‘Life choices,’ we say in unison.

‘Thanks, Anna.’

‘For telling you I told you so?’