Page 51 of Two to Tango

Her lips curl, slowly at first, then form a beaming grin. She throws her head back laughing and I fall into it with her. We end the track like that, both of us bent over our knees, neither one of us able to catch our breath. For a second, I forget that we despise each other. I almost forget what a dick I must have looked like dancing the tango.

It’s getting late in the day and we have the reporters around so we move straight into the gym for Izzy’s session. I set her off on cardio, then we move to weights, adding a small amount now that I know she can cope with it.

We finish on lunges. She holds two eight-pound weights as she sinks for three reps of fifteen on each leg. On the last lunge, she hisses as she pushes up. I immediately put down my clipboard and go to her, taking the weights. I notice a photograph being taken in my peripheral vision. I can imagine the headline now:Brooks Rushes to Help His Lover.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Yes, I’m fine. I just felt a twinge in my hamstring, that’s all.’

‘Okay, we’re done for today, anyway. Let’s make sure we stretch you out good.’

She follows me to the mats. We do a few standing stretches, then I tell her to lie on her back.

‘Keep your base leg straight and lift the right for me.’ I take hold of her leg and raise it straight up, flexing her toes toward her body. ‘How does that feel?’

‘Good but I can go much further than that.’

‘All right, I’ll push you but take it steady. Tell me if you feel anything.’

I start to lean on her leg, moving it toward her body. It comes so close to her face she’s almost doing a split, and I’m hovering above her, looking down at her with my crotch pressed to her thigh. I’ll be damned if I’m not completely turned on.

There’s a sexy, knowing glint about her eyes. Jesus, I want her. I have to fuck this woman or lose my mind. I have to do this for the sake of mankind.

‘Let’s give them a show,’ she whispers.

I waste no time moving my body closer to hers, bringing my mouth just inches from her inviting lips. ‘There’s nothing fake about this.’

Her face creeps toward mine. Then I remember where the hell I am. I’m in my gym. I’m not some farcical performing puppet. I’m a businessman. I’m a father.

‘Let’s stretch out your core and arms.’ I reach out my hand. She takes it and I help her to stand, but the look on her face is as bewildered as mine. What the hell kind of spell does this woman put me under?

My cell phone rings and I’m so freakin’ thankful for the distraction, I answer without even looking at the screen.

‘Brooks Adams.’

Izzy plants her hands on her hips and waits for me to get back to her cooldown.

‘Dad, it’s me.’

‘Hey, baby. What’s up?’

‘I’m in the city and have half an hour to spare if you want to see me. But it has to be like right now.’

‘I would love to but I’m busy.’

‘Is it her? Are you with the dancer woman?’

I hear in her tone that what she’s really asking is whether she’s being pushed aside by her other parent too.

‘Hey, it’s just work. You know that. You have nothing to worry about. Any other time and I would have been there. This will be over soon and we’ll be back to normal.’

‘Sure. It’s no big deal.’

‘Speak soon.’

I hang up and drop the phone into my back pocket. ‘Right, where were we? Arms?’

‘Oh, you can see me now?’