‘Did you get married and forget to tell me, Brooks?’
‘Man, don’t even joke about that shit.’
By the time Jimmy leaves, I’m ravenous. The almond milk, ginger, and carrot smoothie I was allowed for breakfast – which was as disgusting as it sounds – is just an unpleasant memory. In fact, it did nothing to curb my appetite this morning.
Silently cursing Izzy, I head down to the bistro. I spot her right away, talking to a man I assume is Steve Sitwell. Not ready to deal with another round of smart-ass quips on an empty stomach, I catch Angie’s attention.
‘Good morning, soldier. What can I get you?’
‘Eggs, please, Angie. Could you rustle me up two poached on brown?’
‘Um, well, you know I never refuse you, Brooks, but…’ She glances to the table where Izzy is sitting.
‘She told you not to serve me, didn’t she? Well, she needs to remember whose name is above that door. I’ll have the eggs please.’
‘Okay, handsome. Whatever you say. Coffee?’
‘Yeah, great, thanks.’ I sit on a stool in the corner of the bistro while I wait, drawing as little attention to myself as possible.
As I’m waiting, a message comes through to my cell from Madge.
How is the first day going?
I fire a quick reply.
The woman is driving me crazy!
She replies with only five words.
Think of the greater good.
It had better be for the greater freakin’ good. Two weeks of this is going to be painful.
‘Here you go. One coffee. Two eggs on toast.’
‘You’re a star, Angie.’ I’m licking my lips as I pick up a knife and fork. But when I look back down at my plate, it is snatched away.
‘I absolutely do not think so.’ Izzy holds my plate in one hand, her free hand on her hip. ‘No dairy. No bread or pasta. And absolutely no caffeine.’
Have you ever been told you have tickets to see your favorite band? Like, the band you’ve been desperate to see live all your life. Then, right before you get to the arena, you’re told the concert is canceled? Yeah, well, that’s how I’m feeling about my eggs right now.
‘Give me my eggs.’
I stand up. ‘Give me the eggs, right now.’
‘No, Brooks. You agreed to follow my plan.’
‘Izzy, I’m starving.’
A camera flash draws my attention from my little heaven on a plate. Steve Sitwell is taking photographs of our latest altercation. Great. Freakin’ marvelous.
‘You know what, Izzy? Fine. You’re right. We agreed to follow each other’s plan to the letter.’
‘Yes, we did.’
‘Great, well, you can eat the eggs. I want you to have more protein for your weight training, so go ahead. Devour my first real meal of the day. Oh, and don’t worry about me, I’m sure I can find some sparkling water to fill me up.’