Page 86 of Hybrid Forgotten

He doesn’t respond, but I don’t think he’s listening.

“Did you want us to find Shannon, Jake?” Dante asks.

Jake frowns and rolls his eyes before he spits out a, “Yes!”

“Why?” I ask.

He smiles. “Because the spell I used on her is the spell I used on Amanda.”

I blink at him, remembering the state we found Shannon in.

Dante looks at me expectantly. “Okay, who’s Shannon, and what’s the spell?”

I can’t answer, because Jake’s reason for doing this has become crystal clear, and it makes me so damn angry that I’m almost afraid to move, for fear of doing something I can’t take back.

Killing him wouldn’t be smart while we don’t know exactly where Amanda is and what we need to do to save her.

Rachel starts explaining what’s going on to Dante and Parker quietly.

I don’t hear her words. All I can hear is the thunderous roaring of my wolf inside my head.

Amanda was stolen by this idiot who rejected her. He erased her memories, because that’s the only way he could ever get her to accept him as her true mate. Right now, she doesn’t know she has a pack. She doesn’t know she has three true mates who’ll do anything for her.

She thinks she’s a hybrid in a pack town, and she thinks Jake is meant to be her mate.

He stripped her memories away so he could manipulate her into bonding with him.

“You’re pathetic,” I tell him, moving to stand right in front of him. “Our mate was always too good for you. You were never meant to be hers.”

“Time will tell,” he says, smiling smugly.

I pull on my Alpha command voice. “Take me to where Amanda is.”

He laughs as the world around us starts to spin.

“You asked for it,” he tells me as I crash to the ground.

He falls in front of me, passing out.

I hear Dante’s voice, but I can’t tell what he’s saying.

My eyelids get too heavy, and I pass the hell out.

Chapter forty-nine


Somethingreallyweirdjusthappened. Sean and that prick Jake just passed out all at once, crashing to the floor together, after Sean commanded to be taken to Amanda. I look at Dante, and he shrugs.

“What was that?” I ask, looking around for an answer.

Danny shakes his head. “It’s a new one on me.”

Rachel and Cheryl move closer, crouching to examine them.

Rachel looks up at me. “There are faint traces of residual magic from a spell that could have been cast days ago. I think he did what Sean ordered him to do.”

“He was sleeping when we got to him,” Jillian tells the witches. “I wondered if she might be in the spirit realm. Not because she’s gone, but because it’s one place that can be visited without a body.”