Page 64 of Hybrid Forgotten

“Get away from me before I burn you alive from the inside out,” I threaten him back, refusing to break his stare.

He snorts and leans in close, his tightening grip on my wrist and my waist making me wince.

“I know where you’re from, and I know what that means for your ability to spell.”

Ugh. He stinks of beer and sweat.

My stomach starts to churn and this time I welcome the idea of being physically sick.

If I throw up on him, he might let me go.

He grins at me. “So, why don’t you entertain me in the backseat of your little car, and I’ll let you go after we’ve had a little fun.”

I’ve never hated Fallen Pines more. If they’d let me practice magic, I wouldn’t be in this situation.

All I’ve got to fall back on is my wolf.

She growls as I let her rise to the surface. My nails become razor sharp claws.

“Aw, is the little wolf coming out to play?” he mocks me, not letting go.

I dig my claws into his wrist, and rake them along his skin, forcing him to release his grip.

“You’ll regret that, little witch. Badly behaved wolves get passed around the whole congregation,” he snarls at me, his eyes turning reptilian.

I slash at his other arm and turn to run when he’s cursing under his breath.

I make it to my car, but my fingers fumble with the keys.

My heart is pounding in my ears. I need to get the hell out of here.

I drop the keys, and I feel his shadow looming over me before he pushes me up against the side of the car, fingers with razor sharp nails pushing my skirt up and tearing my skin.

I want to scream, but my breath is caught in my throat. I’m frozen in fear, my whole body trembling as tears start to leak from my eyes. He’s too strong, and I’m too afraid.

He laughs as he pushes me against the car, one hand around the back of my neck.

I need to breathe before I pass out, but he’s pushing my throat against the hot metal, and everything is starting to feel far away. I’m going to pass out, or die, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

The sound of a scuffle bleeds through to my ears, but I only realize what’s happening when the weight of the gator lifts away from my body. I gasp in air as I’m pulled back from the car, tears still running down my cheeks as the world swings back into focus.

Jake is holding me gently, worried gaze fixed on my face. “It’s okay, Amanda. I’ve got you. You’re safe. He’s dead.”

Is this real, or am I hallucinating from oxygen deprivation?

How did Jake get here so fast, and how the hell did he kill that huge gator?

I blink at him. “You’re … here.”

My voice barely rises above a whisper. It hurts to talk. My throat feels bad.

“I’m here. Don’t worry, okay? I’ll make sure you get home safe.”

“Jillian …” I start, watching him nod.

“Don’t worry, I’m here to get both of you, and I brought friends, so I don’t have to leave you.”

“He’s really … dead?”