Page 26 of Hybrid Forgotten

“So, she’s not sure about it.”

“I didn’t say that.”

He blows out an irritable breath. “Then, whatareyou saying?”

“It’s not the kind of decision people make without talking about it first, and we’ve never talked about it.”

“Huh,” he murmurs. “We haven’t, have we?”

“How do you feel about it?”

“Ready, obviously,” he scoffs.

“Really?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at him. “Even if the kid turns out to be Dante’s?”

He rolls his eyes. “I thought you said theydidn’tact on it?”

“I did, but that doesn’t mean there’s no possibility that it’ll be his kid.”

“Like I don’t know that.”

“Would it bother you?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Why would it bother me?”

“Because everything Dante does bothers you.”

“That’s just a friendly rivalry thing.” He shrugs, folding his arms and leaning back against the counter.

“I don’t know if there’ll be room for that kind of friendly rivalry when we’ve got kids to look after.”

His expression stays pensive for a second before he smiles brightly.

“I can be a stay-at-home dad.”

He sounds pretty happy about that idea, and he actually looks excited.

“Sure, but that’s something we’ll need to talk with Amanda about.”

We don’t know that she’ll want to stay at Gemini Academy. It’s entirely possible that she’ll want to take a break or become a stay-at-home mom permanently, not that they couldn’t both be at home with the kids. In fact, it would be better if one of us was always there.

I feel protective enough over Amanda, and she has some serious magic skills now.

I can’t imagine how much more protective I’ll be when we have babies to take care of.

“Don’t you get it?” Park asks, sounding even more excited. “I’ve been so confused about what to do for a job, feeling like I don’t have the right skills for any one thing, but that’s the one thing I would be great at. I’m good at keeping the place clean, and cooking, and I love kids.”

I can’t help but be pulled in by his enthusiasm. Clearly, he feels like he’s found his calling.

I smile at him. “It does sound kind of perfect.”

“It’s what I was made for,” he enthuses, picking up the notepad under the landline and getting out his phone. One glance over his shoulder and I catch him looking up how to make applesauce.

He’s already going into research mode, looking up things he wants to learn and practice.

We don’t even know how Amanda feels about the blessing, and Parker’s already dead set on being the best house husband she’s ever seen.

Chapter fifteen