“Now, where were we, before Parker rudely interrupted with his disapproving stare?”
I shake my head. “You’re the one who decided to kiss me where he would see us.”
“He’s the one being a creep, watching us leave for our date,” he argues, as he slips his hands under the skirt of my skater dress from behind.
I gasp at how cold his fingers feel when they touch my bare ass.
“You’re not wearing underwear,” he murmurs, his gaze heating up.
Goddess, those deep, dark eyes could swallow me whole.
“Your hands are cold.” It’s not a complaint, exactly, and he can tell.
He can feel what I’m feeling, and right now I don’t care that we’re still next to the car by the side of the road. I want him inside me.
“Here?” he asks, raising the eyebrow with the scar through it.
I lean back against the car. “Right here.”
He doesn’t waste a second.
He unzips his jeans, and tugs them down, revealing his pretty, pierced cock.
I bite down on my lip. I was wet when he started kissing me back in Wolf Creek.
He barely would have needed to touch me to make me come.
Now, my thighs are slick, and I’m ready to beg for everything he can give.
He pushes my skirt up and his knuckles rub against my pussy before his length starts to fill me.
I gasp at how slowly he’s pushing inside, making me feel each set of thick silver balls that keep his piercings in place. My walls clench tight around his thickness, and he moans softly, resting his forehead against mine.
“Every time I think it can’t get any better you find some new way to prove me wrong,” he murmurs, as he moves both hands back to my ass and pushes forward as he tugs me closer.
I lose my breath the second he starts to move inside me. It always feels different with him. His pierced cock gives the sensation of ridges. It almost always takes my breath away.
He thrusts slowly, and I can tell by the way he’s gazing at me that he wants to make the moment last.
“No one’s out here,” he murmurs. “You could take your dress off.”
It’s dark, and he’s right. The road is empty, as it often is.
The only sounds are of birds in the trees.
I take the dress off and drop it at my side.
His dick throbs inside me, proving that no matter how thick and hard it feels, it can always get a little harder and thicker. His stare is intense as he gazes at my body.
“How I find a mate this perfect?” he murmurs.
The compliment makes me blush. I don’t think I’m perfect, but my mates do.
That’s how I know they’re mine. They won’t hear a bad word said against me.
Especially if I’m the one saying it.
“Maybe because you have an extra special cock?” I ask, making him smirk.