Page 100 of Hybrid Forgotten

She smiles. “I’m glad.”

“Dante.” I look over at my Omega mate, and I see the relief in his dark eyes.

“Oh, thank Freya,” he murmurs.

Jillian clears her throat. “Actually, my name is Jillian.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“Thank you,” I tell her, hugging my best friend.

She hugs back. “No thanks required. I’m just glad you feel better.”

Chapter fifty-eight


Icryhappytearsas I hug my best friend, my memories coming back in little flashes. There are so many bright moments in my life since I moved to Wolf Creek that it almost feels like I’m in someone else’s skin. There’s only one empty spot that I didn’t even realize was there.

I break the hug and dry my eyes. “We’ve hardly seen each other since I’ve been out here.”

“I know,” Jillian admits, giving me a sad smile. “I thought we’d be in classes together at the academy, but since we’re not and since Rachel’s been helping you with magic stuff, we don’t get to see each other anywhere near as much as we used to. It doesn’t mean we don’t care. We’ve just had so much else going on.”

“I can’t believe you’re part gator,” I admit. “You were right about those dreams.”

She nods. “I mean, I knew I was, but I’m not proud enough to pretend I went about it the right way. I’m sorry I dragged you out to that beach, Amanda. I really am.”

“I’m not,” I tell her. “And you shouldn’t be, either. Everyone makes mistakes. There’s no point in looking back now. We’ve gotten to where we needed to be. I think we just need to make time for a mall visit every week or so.”

Her eyes light right up. “I would love that.”

“But not for the reasons you used to.”

She laughs. “Of course not. I’m a mated woman now. We both are.”

She’s not wrong. A local cop is her Alpha, and her other two mates are artists.

My mates are the best men I’ve ever known, and I’m sure she feels the same way about hers.

There is something I should tell her, though. I already told Rachel because we’ve gotten so close, but I might not have told Jillian for a while since we’ve been living totally separate lives.

I glance at Dante. He’s smiling brightly, happy that I’ve gotten my memories back.

“There’s something I should tell you,” I start, as I reach out to hold his hand.

Dante gets up and moves over to sit beside me, hugging me from behind instead.

I look back at Jillian, and her eyes widen, her mouth dropping open.

“No freaking way!” she exclaims. “You’re pregnant?”

“How did you know?” I ask, starting to laugh.

“I don’t know!” She shrugs. “I just knew. I’m so happy for you. Tell me everything.”

“There’s not much to tell so far,” I admit. “It just kind of happened … I’m a little fuzzy on when because of the whole dream thing. How long was I sleeping?”

“Actually, not that long,” Dante tells me. “Five or six hours, we think.”