I’m sure he’s going to. He might have a hard time manipulating another Alpha, but cash is always a powerful incentive. I’m sure he’ll give her a golden handshake. Eventually.
Then, she’ll realize I’m already taken care of.
She doesn’t have to push me to choose a mate, because my father’s already on it.
He’ll be perfectly happy if she leaves him working on his existing plan, and she’ll be glad to know she doesn’t need to waste any effort on me.
I set the alarm on my phone while I eat my early dinner.
Then, I take my time getting ready for bed, attempting to make myself unwind with a bath I don’t fall asleep in before I dry off and slip into comfortable PJs.
Despite my best efforts, I don’t sleep a wink all night.
I just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark, wondering why it’s taking so long for the week to be over. Roll on Friday night, when I can finally get the hell out of Goldcrest.
I go onto automatic pilot when my alarm goes off.
I get up without hesitating. I go through my usual routines, getting washed and dressed and putting on my usual makeup.
The kit I left in Secret’s room was brought back to me when I called reception and asked for it on Sunday evening. Lana didn’t answer that call. The new girl, Paula, did.
Henry brought me the case and asked if I was doing okay. He looked concerned, and I could tell he wanted me to invite him in. I idly wonder if he forgot he called me a cock-tease bitch. He really doesn’t seem to understand I’m not interested anymore. Despite everything that happened on Friday night, he thinks I still might want to fuck him.
Unbelievable. Betas can be assholes, too, it seems.
I smiled silently as I closed the door in his face.
Good-bye, Henry.
Hope to see you never.
I’ll be out of here soon, so you’ll just have to get a new obsession.
I already have an obsession of my own. Their names are Donnie and Frost, and they’re hotter-than-hell, life-saving heroes who are going to help me escape this gilded cage.
I guess there’s a chance a different ambulance crew could arrive, which might mess my plan up, but I know Donnie will do what he promised, and if we’re really, truly fated to be together, it’ll be them.
They’re my true mates.
My perfume came out for them, and only them. It’s been gone since they’ve been gone. It wasn’t a false heat. It was entirely related to their presence. That can only make our connections fated.
Maybe it’s crazy, but the more I think about them, the more certain I am that I’ll get out of here.
I can’t help the smile that comes out when I imagine the rescue.
That smile makes my usual icy lip twitches look pathetically muted.
Taking a slow breath, I wipe all thoughts of the hot EMTs from my head.
I don’t want to give Edith Merritt the wrong impression, and looking very much like an Omega in love is definitely a bad idea for my first visit with our new head of admin.
My walk to Geraldine’s old office is sobering enough to give me back my usual unimpressed facial expression. I enjoyed wearing casual comfortable clothes over the weekend. My second day back in a form-fitting dress and heels is a pain in the ass.
The reception desk is unmanned. The replaced doors to the main entrance are locked.
I’m five minutes early, and about to knock the office door, when it opens.
Edith looks out at me with a smile.