Page 187 of Broken Omega

Checking his watch, he smiles viciously. “Follow my lead, Brooke, sweetheart.”

Every word is part of the spell. He already primed me for this one. I remember it so damn clearly. He had me echo every word he said verbatim. I’m ready to follow along with my vows then, I suppose.

“Where are your earrings?” he asks, as if he’s just noticing I’m not wearing them.

The urge to tell him I flushed them down the toilet comes and goes.

“Where are your earrings?” I echo back at him, frowning like he just did.

He smiles. I smile.

“You’re definitely ready,” he tells me.

“You’re definitely ready,” I copy, as he puts my arm in his.

I guess I’m about to walk down the aisle.


We’re led into the main entrance way of the building, slowly of course. The doors were locked, and the guard is a fumbling idiot, which I think is an actual fact, and not just another stalling tactic.

His friend takes over after he drops the keys the second time.

Frost is grinding his teeth loudly enough to make anyone nervous.

If I wasn’t so damn worried about our mate, I might have a little sympathy.

Like my patience before it, my allocation of sympathy seems to have dried up pretty damn fast.

The second guard holds the door open for us.

Tessa walks in ahead of us, her bodyguards behind her, and Lana behind them. Donnie ushers River inside, and then that first nervous, awkward guard tries to slip in before Frost. He earns himself a nasty glower before he backs up. He doesn’t try to move again until after we’re all inside.

“Which way to meet with Marissa Sawyer?” Tessa asks, raising an eyebrow at the guards.

They glance at each other, and I look at Frost.

We’re both having the same thoughts. These guys are trying to keep us busy.

The only reason they’d need to do that is if something’s happening that they don’t want us to know about. I don’t want to think about what that something might be, but I don’t really need to.

I nod at Frost as the guards ask us to wait in Mrs. Sawyer’s office while she finishes up her current meeting elsewhere in the building.

Fuck this charade. We need to go find Brooke.

Frost moves first, headed to the corridor that eventually leads to her room.

“Stop! You aren’t cleared to be here,” the second guard calls out to him. “I have full authority to shoot you dead.”

Frost stops. When he turns around, he has a gun in his hand. He releases the safety and points it at the second guard’s head. “I’m here to retrieve my mate, before her father does anything to hurt her. You can let us do that, or your brains can paint this hallway. Your choice.”

“Brooke Corvina,” the guard says. “Her father’s trying to hurt her?”

I smile as his face slackens. He must have been one of the guards I commanded last night.

The other guard looks like he’s gone a bit slack as well, but honestly, I can’t tell if it’s because of my command or because he’s just kind of stupid.

“He’s ready to help,” I tell Frost as I follow along.