If only I could throw my father over that edge. That would end his control over me. It would stop him from continuing to use people to further his ambitions for more money and power when he already has more than most. It doesn’t matter if he becomes the richest man on the planet. It’ll never be enough. He’s not going to stop until he’s dead.
A smarter Brooke would have figured that out sooner.
That Brooke might have found a way to poison him before things got so desperate.
This Brooke is mad she didn’t think of it.
She’s pissed that she had no idea how truly awful her only living relative was until one of her newly found mates stopped him from further torture and made her remember everything her father had ever done and made her forget.
The sound of knocking on the suite’s outer door brings me out of my thoughts sharply.
It’s too soft to be my father, and I doubt Marissa Sawyer would waste her time with a visit.
I move to the door and peek through the peephole.
A familiar, red-headed Omega is standing on the other side of the door, a garment bag and heels over her shoulder. Erika is a much better perfect, little Omega than I ever was. She plays by the rules of the academy, and she actually seems to enjoy her life at Goldcrest.
I can see why Marissa might have asked her to come to my suite.
Hearing the lock turn, I let out a sigh and step back from the door.
It opens, and Erika steps inside.
“Hey, Erika,” I greet her, arms folded under my chest.
She turns slightly as the door closes behind her. The lock engages with a click.
“Brooke, I was so worried when I heard about what happened on Friday night!” Her dark eyes go wide as she talks. “Are you okay?”
Clearly, Marissa didn’t give her all the details. I’m not so sure I want to, either.
She’s trapped here like I am. She can’t do anything to help me.
“I’ve been better,” I admit. “I assume our new head administrator sent you?”
She nods, her eyes going wide again as she looks around the suite.
“What happened?” she asks.
“I guess they decided to redecorate while I was gone.” I shrug.
She bites down on her bottom lip, releasing it only after her shock has turned to horror.
“You tried to get out of here,” she murmurs. “That’s it, isn’t it? You weren’t hurt. It was an escape.”
“Unfortunately, I made the mistake of coming back,” I tell her. “I wouldn’t advise it.”
“Oh my word,” Erika utters, giving me an appraising glance. “So, this isn’t a happy occasion.”
A happy occasion?I frown at her. “What exactly are you here for, Erika?”
“You don’t even know …” She shakes her head. “This is awful. I’m so sorry, Brooke.”
“You’re sorry for what?” I snap as my patience runs thin.
She puts the silver heels down in front of me and unzips the garment bag. A delicate, white lace dress peeks out at me. I close my eyes as I start to tremble. The sheer frustrated anger that courses through me is making me shake with untapped rage. I feel like I need to scream.
“You’re getting married at two p.m.”