Page 153 of Broken Omega

“You do?” Donnie asks.

I nod. “Frost helped me remember everything that asshole ever made me forget.”

“Good work, Frost.” Donnie nods slowly.

“I also picked up a free weapon,” Frost confesses, lifting his shirt to show off the handle of the gun.

“We ran into one of the guards from Goldcrest,” I add. “Frost made him leave and told him to forget he ever ran into us.”

Kellan’s face falls. “We can’t just keep hiding out here, can we?”

I shake my head. “My father will find us. I think it would be better if we got the jump on that. It could be our only chance to nail him to the wall. Once he knows we know what he’s been doing, he’ll know we’re going after evidence and he’ll destroy it, or he’ll do something worse to make sure we can’t take it to the cops.”

“What has he been doing, exactly?” Donnie asks. “I feel like I missed something.”

I smile at him. “We all kind of did. My father’s been using me as a test subject. He’s been deep in research on something for years. He must have dozens if not hundreds of other test subjects in this messed up experiment of his.”

“You know what he’s been doing?”

“Kind of. At least, I think I do. He’s been brainwashing Omegas to make them compliant to their mates. That’s why he didn’t want Kellan to be let into the academy. He knew we were fated. He couldn’t use me anymore if I met a true mate. He probably decided I’d make a good test subject because I’m so damn stubborn.”

“That fucking prick asshole,” Donnie seethes.

“So, one of us needs to break into his house and get evidence of this brainwashing experiment while he’s otherwise busy elsewhere,” Frost says.

I nod. “Kellan and I can turn ourselves into the academy. I’ll demand to see my father. That way he won’t be home when you break in.”

Everyone’s quiet as the plan sinks in.

It’s risky, and we have a lot of planning to get through.

“I vote we eat lunch and get some sleep,” I say. “We’re really going to need the rest before we talk over the details and go do this.”

No one tries to argue with me. I wince when I look at Donnie’s arms.

“River, can you sort out lunch? I’ll help Donnie clean up his scratches.”

“Yes, boss,” River murmurs, giving me a flash of a smile and a peck on the cheek as he moves to the kitchen side of the apartment’s main room.

“I’ll help with lunch,” Frost says.

“I should … I should help with Donnie,” Kellan says, as I start to lead Donnie into the bathroom.

He looks a bit pale, and he feels incredibly guilty.

“I did that to him.”

“Yeah,” Donnie says. “You’re a real dirty fighter, Kellan Mitchell.”

Kellan flushes beet-red, clearly embarrassed.

“I didn’t mean …”

Donnie laughs. “Relax, dude. I know it wasn’t you. You went completely feral. It was like watching a wild animal break out of his cage and go fucking nuts.”

“I kind of wish I’d been here to see that,” I confess.

“I’m glad you weren’t.” Kellan runs a hand through his hair. A bloody hand. He’s really making a mess of himself right now. He winces when he notices, pulling a face.