This could get messy.
Kellan turns quickly, and I can tell he’s about to smash that second chair off the ground.
I toss the one I’m holding to the side, and I charge him, tackling him from behind, and dragging him backward. He drops the chair as he falls back into me, but that’s only the start of the real struggle.
He claws at my arms, fighting blindly to get free.Holy fuck.His strength is unbelievable. The only reason he’s having trouble is because he’s not acting rationally. He might not look like he could beat a guy into the ground, but clearly, he could, and if I let him go, I’d be the guy getting his face slammed into the floor. His elbow stabs back hard into my guts, and I let out a gasp. My grip around his body loosens for a second and he starts to pull away. I yank him back quickly, moving one arm up to trap him under his throat.
He’s behaving like a panicked animal ensnared in a trap. I can’t let him get loose but containing him is going to be a goddamned nightmare. I drag him toward the inflatable mattress, throwing us onto it in a backward dive. River jumps out of our way as we land, watching us wrestle around on the mattress as Kellan tries to wriggle out of my grasp.
I trap his legs between mine to stop him from kicking my shins.
He elbows me in the guts again, harder this time.
Jesus, it fucking hurts.I tighten my grasp instead of loosening it.
I’m not keen at the thought of choking him out. It’s too risky.
He twists in my grasp, fingers digging into the arm around his middle.
He seriously needs to calm down before he makes me hurt him.
“River, can you use your touch?” I ask, my voice raspy and strained.
He blinks down at me, before he nods and sinks to his knees beside the mattress.
I’ve warned him before to stay out of the way if there’s a fight. Protecting him is my priority, always.
Asking him to help is a last resort.
Kellan isn’t calming down, and he’s a danger to all of us while he’s like this.
River pushes Kellan’s shirt up and touches his side.
I hold tight, my breath ragged as I wait to see if this works.
He’s still thrashing around in my arms, attempting to get loose.
River frowns as he looks up at me. “I don’t think my touch is working.”
“Shit. I don’t want to choke him out.”
I’ve only done it once before. The guy passed out. He was fine later.
That doesn’t mean the same thing will happen if I do it to Kellan now.
“I … I think we need Frost,” River admits. “He has that Alpha command voice.”
“You really think that’ll work on another Alpha?”
He shrugs, moving back. “Brooke’s father gave him a coded order and he followed it. I think it’s safe to say it’s a strong possibility.”
“Then we wait,” I tell him, not willing to send River out to chase down Frost and Brooke.
If they’re not back yet, there’s a reason. I can’t allow our other Omega to run around the city on his own.
Kellan lets out another feral growl.
“Try your touch again,” I ask, all out of ideas while we wait.