Will he only stay with me out of some misplaced sense of duty?
I don’t want that. Everything would change, even if he tried to force it not to.
It would be worse than having them leave me. I thought that was my worst nightmare, but it’s not. This is. Having them stay with me when they desperately want to leave.
“She belongs with us,” Donnie insists. “River, start the engine.”
I jump in my seat, and glance back at Frost.
He shakes his head, and I ignore Donnie’s instruction.
Frost is our Alpha. I take my orders from him, for better or worse.
Frost lets out a sigh. “I’m waking her.”
“Don’t do that …” Donnie groans, cursing under his breath.
Frost uses smelling salts to rouse the Omega.
She moans lightly as she awakens, taking in a deep breath before she sits up.
“What the … Are we on the way to hospital?” she asks, sounding a little out of it.
“Nope,” Frost says, his tone echoing his emotions more accurately now.
He sounds depressed, because he is.
He doesn’t want to let her go, but he feels he needs to.
I try to find the words to convince him he doesn’t need to ruin his life for me, but they won’t come. I’m too afraid to gather them up. Terrified that he’ll say all the things that would destroy me the instant I give him the chance at an out.
I’m too fucking selfish to let them go.
“Damn,” the blonde says, letting out a sigh.
She feels as depressed as Frost does.
They’re meant for each other, and I’m standing in their way.
“Do you have any allergies?” Frost asks.
“Uh, not really,” she tells him, as she sits up.
“I have a protein bar in the glove box. River, can you look for that, please?”
“I don’t need it,” she says quickly. “I’ll be fine.”
She doesn’t sound like she’ll be fine. I can feel her loneliness. She’s been empty for a long time.
We shouldn’t leave her here. It’s killing her inside.
“River …” Frost starts.
I can’t move my hands from the wheel, and I can’t find the right words. I meet my Alpha’s gaze in the rear view. He trails off, as if he’s seen something in my face.Fuck. I haven’t said a word and I’ve still managed to mess everything up.
“I’ll get out of your hair,” the girl says, as she gets up and jumps out of the ambulance.
She’s freaking out, and I’m not really sure why. I get a thicker taste of her perfume when I breathe in, and I wonder if she’s close to her first heat. Some Omegas perfumes sweeten or deepen with a heat coming on. At least, that’s what I’ve been told. Mine has never changed so I wouldn’t know.