Imust admit, I’m a little surprised by the security detail I find when I step off the elevator that leads to Secret’s suite. Geraldine was already keeping the girl close by giving her the biggest twin suite closest to her office. Adding in two guards standing outside the door to the suite seems excessive.
Of course, that must be new.
I seriously doubt Secret would have been comfortable enough to claim Dylan as her mate with armed Betas standing outside the door to their shared nest.
Clearly, Geraldine did this after they broke the rules, after she split them up.
I bet she didn’t expect the girl to put up a fight.
If anyone had asked me, I wouldn’t have pegged Secret Leto as the kind of girl who’d ever dare attack an authority, and around here Geraldine might as well be the sheriff. She lays down our laws, and no one dares to cross her.
At least, they didn’t until now.
The second anyone tries to stand their ground after this shit, she’ll be just as ruthless with them as she was with Dylan, and everyone will be shocked at her callous punishment.
No one will want to mess up.
I get to the door and smile at big, bad guard number one.
“Hey,” I greet him as I come to a stop. “Geraldine sent me to help Secret get ready.”
“Brooke, right?” He looks me over, and gives an approving nod.
“Uh, yeah. And you are?” I ask, certain that I haven’t met him before.
“Henry,” he tells me, shooting me a flirty smile.
Huh.He’s actually kind of cute, and he’s definitely new around here.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to the guards, mostly because I’m not supposed to. There are rules for everything in Goldcrest, including how we’re supposed to treat the staff. On a normal day, under normal circumstances, guards are there to protect us and we need to keep out of their way to let them do their jobs. Translation, we ignore them. Under other conditions when they need to maintain our safety in an emergency, we’re meant to do what they ask.
Talking to them like it’s no big deal is kind of weird.
I might not do that, usually, but I’m observant enough to know I haven’t seen this guy around.
I drink him in while I have the chance, my lingering gaze making his lips twitch into a smirk.
He’s built, of course, but a lot of Betas are. It’s what makes them so perfect for the job. They might not have the blessed genetics of an Alpha, but if they want to compete with that they’ll put in the work.
He definitely puts in the work, and he knows it’s getting the job done.
I really shouldn’t flatter him with a compliment. I think I’ve already stroked his ego enough with my stare. Clearing my throat, I point at the door.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Henry, but do you think I could get inside? I’m supposed to be getting Secret ready for the social tonight.”
He nods. “No problem.”
His gaze meets mine. “We’ll escort you to the ballroom when you’re ready.”
He reaches out and knocks on the door.
It opens slowly, and another guard peers out.
I can’t stop my eyebrows from jumping upward.
How many guards do they think this single, teenage, female Omega needs?