I put the pen down, not allowing myself to look at what’s left.
I’m not interested in any of the remaining names, but I don’t have any choice.
My father wants a list of names. I’m giving him one.
In case the damned list ends up actually deciding my future husband, I’ve made sure I’m not left with the most awful Alpha of them all. That’s the best I can do.
I walk away from the list and start getting ready for the night.
The first social of the season begins in a few short hours.
My father’s made it clear he expects me to attend.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised by a mass of new Alphas who aren’t complete assholes. A girl can dream.
Diamonds are forever.That used to be my mantra, way back when I was one of the only rich girls at Crystal Grove high school. As an Omega and sole heir to a billion-dollar fortune, I wasn’t exactly relatable. My best friend, Zelena, was the only one who really understood what it was like to be envied and hated by almost everyone, while somehow simultaneously idolized and admired.
High school was a weird time for me. It’s when I realized how fake people can be.
I used that mantra to feel better about myself every time the Betas said or did something shitty to try and bring me down, but I didn’t take the meaning literally.
I was smart enough to know, even then, that the money my classmates hated me for having didn’t belong to me. It wasn’t going to bring me security and comfort. It didn’t do a single damn thing to make me happy.
Zey was my diamond. A true friend, the one person in a million that I could count on. Always.
She shines brighter than anyone I’ve ever known, and I hope she never stops.
“I hope you get that pack you always wanted, Zey,” I murmur, as I flip through the photos in my phone. I haven’t taken a single new picture in six years. My phone might be the latest model, but it’s full of images of my past, most of which are selfies with Zelena
I guess, at least I might get to see her at my wedding.
Sighing, I come out of my photos and put my phone in my purse.
I seriously need to finish getting ready.
The theme for the first social of the year is solid gold, and I already know that means most of the new girls will be wearing flashy, eye-catching metallic dresses. My own dress is much more sedate, in black silk with gold straps. It’s classy, but dull, marking me out as older.
It won’t do much to catch an Alpha’s eye, and that’s perfectly fine with me.
I slip it over my head, and the material cascades down my body.
It feels nice against my skin, and it complements my slender body shape perfectly.
After slipping on my heels, I move over to my dresser.
I open the top drawer and take out my most expensive necklace.
Diamonds, of course, set in yellow gold.
Classy but dull perfectly describes the way I look right now.
I give myself a wry smile in the mirror.
As an Omega, I’m a rare breed. If only I could perfume, I’d be perfect.
Oh, okay. If only I was a few years younger, and I could perfume. Then, I’d be perfect.