Feels a little insulting when this is the first time I’ve ever really downed alcohol for the sole intention of forgetting my troubles, but Lana wouldn’t know that. Even if she did, I think she’d stay to look after me anyway, because that’s the kind of thing a good person does.
She’s been a far better friend to me than any of the guys I hung around with at school.
I don’t even speak to most of those guys anymore. The ones I do keep in contact with, I see so infrequently that they’re more like old acquaintances now.
Truth is, Lana’s the best friend I’ve ever had.
I don’t know anyone else, other than my parents, who would have come over here to check on me like she did. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had the epiphany that snapped me out of my pity party.
I can’t believe I didn’t realize what things were like from my true mate’s point of view.
Lana opened my eyes to the truth.
Brooke is trapped at that academy.
She’s not happy there.
She doesn’t want her father to choose an Alpha for her.
She needs help, and we might be her only hope.
That’s all I can think about as I lie there on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.
My true mate needs to be rescued.
She’s a princess in a tower, and it’s up to me to find a way to get her out of there.
All kinds of crazy thoughts race through my mind. Ideas that would never work in a million years.
There aren’t guards with guns and security systems that trigger instant responses in typical fairy tales. I’ll never be able to storm into Goldcrest without being grabbed or shot in the process.
I let the heroic fantasies keep my mind occupied, but I know once I’m clean and sober I’ll have to work through a real plan with Lana.
Isleep half of Wednesday away, waking up in the afternoon to find Lana stocking my refrigerator.
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” she says, glancing back at me. “I decided to stick around since I had a vacation day pre-arranged. Of course, I regretted that idea when I realized there’s no real food in this place. I’d ask if you’re a breathatarian, but I’ve seen you eat so I’m guessing this is standard bachelor boy behavior?”
Sitting up, I frown at her. The room isn’t spinning, but my mouth is dry, and my head feels like it’s being squished in a vice. At least the aches and pains in my muscles are gone. Kind of.
Damn. I can feel them now that I’ve thought about them.
“Not a breathatarian,” I tell her. “Just kind of living like I am.”
“That needs to stop now, Mr. Millionaire. You owe me a hundred bucks for the groceries.”
“No problem. I was thinking about going grocery shopping anyway.”
“Well think harder next time and actually do it,” she grumbles as she comes closer and gives me a worried look. “You remember last night?”
“Should I?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Very funny. It wasn’t like that. You’re not my type.”
“You’re not into men, I get it,” I murmur. “I got it when you described my mate.”
She laughs. “Brooke’s a unicorn. She could turn anyone’s head. I usually date guys, but for her I’d make an exception.”