She seems surprised by the question. Her hazel eyes widen. Her mouth drops open as stares at me in shock. “What do I know about Brooke? Personally?”
“I assume you know who she is?”
She nods slowly. “I’ve seen her around.”
“So, what do you know?”
“Oh. Um. She …” she starts, trailing off.
“What?” I ask, curious now that she’s acting so strangely.
“Um, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that question.”
“You didn’t expect me to ask about the Omega I’ve been trying to get approved to visit?”
She laughs lightly. “I guess I didn’t expect to feel weird about it. She’s very … alluring.”
I blink as the truth sinks in. She’s attracted to my mate.
I guess that happens kind of a lot with Betas. It doesn’t mean Lana’s going to try and steal her away.
“Is that why you agreed to steal her file for me?”
“Keep your voice down,” she mutters, glancing around.
“Relax. Everyone in here is more interested in their food.”
Well, the only other woman nearby is looking at me as if I’m one of those mighty meaty sandwiches, but that’s not totally unexpected when I’m around people. I might not be a typical Alpha, but there are always some Betas who recognize me as one, and all Alphas attract Betas like flies to honey.
It’s one of the reasons I prefer my quiet, little hometown over the city.
Everyone back home knows me, and they know I’m not interested in dating anyone who isn’t Brooke Corvina. It got to be a running joke in high school, and most of the girls who used to be interested think it’s weird that I’m still chasing someone who’s basically out of my reach.
I can’t give up now. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that.
One look, one smile, one inhale of her cherry scent and I was hooked.
“I like Brooke,” Lana admits, her gaze moving to the table. “She can be spiky sometimes, but I get it. She doesn’t like the academy. She’s there because of her father’s expectations, not because she wants to meet an Alpha. She plays the perfect Omega so well, but it’s an act, and I don’t think she can keep it up for much longer.”
“So, she’s dressed up all the time and she takes part in all the socials?”
“Pretty much,” she confirms. “That’s the academy’s definition of the perfect Omega.”
“I assume she’s never mentioned me.”
“She doesn’t talk about anything too personal. When she calls me on reception, it’s usually to gossip about something that’s been going on at the academy, or to talk about whatever TV show she’s been binging … which is pretty much always something everyone’s already seen and loved and moved on from. She’s never mentioned a super-determined, self-starter Alpha she once knew. Sorry.”
It makes me smile to get to know my mate through the eyes of someone else who appreciates her, even if it also reminds me that Brooke knows as little about me as I do about her. We’re virtually strangers, and I’m determined to change that before she’s mated to some random Alpha by her father’s orders.
“How does she seem, when you speak to her?”
“Well, she’s kind of wry, I guess, but she can be sweet, too. There’s this sparkle she sometimes gets in her eyes when she smiles, but it never lasts. It would be nice to see her really, truly happy. She deserves that.”
“I’ll do my best,” I promise, making Lana smile.
“Of course you will.” She takes my hand across the table. “Good luck with this year’s application. I hope you get approved. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.”
She puts the strap of her purse over her shoulder, and nods at the slip of paper.