Like hell I am.
Frost meets us after he’s been to the cops with new evidence that Warren Corvina’s committed a crime. We gather outside the academy gates, waiting for the arrival of our lawyer and her hired help.
Turns out, Lana’s idea had legs. The new head of administration was guilty of adapting rules to suit a situation she deemed as unfavorable, with no apparent intention to submit the new rules to the investors to have them written up legally. The previous administrator had used the official Goldcrest rules to admit new Alphas, and I’d marked Brooke after gaining admission, so Marissa was wrong to deny us the chance to claim each other as mates.
“This had better work,” Frost grumbles beside me.
“It will,” Lana assures us.
“Something feels off,” I mutter, not sure exactly what.
“Yeah,” Frost says. “Where the fuck did Warren go when he left here last night?”
Lana shrugs. “We would have followed him if we thought he’d do a disappearing act. I don’t get it.”
“You think he was watching his cameras remotely?” I ask. “Maybe he knew we got that evidence out of his office.”
Frost shakes his head slowly. “I searched the whole fucking house. That was a basic as shit camera system. Nothing fancy. At least a decade old. There’s no way in hell he had the feed on his phone. In fact, I’d be surprised if he had a cell phone. If he does, it’s probably a brick from the mid-nineties.”
River looks from Frost to me and back again.
“Maybe he didn’t leave the academy,” River suggests. “Brooke said his driver was allowed to return to his own home whenever he didn’t need him. That would explain why the car didn’t get back to the house.”
“You think he’s in there?” Donnie asks, his posture changing.
He looks ready for a fight. I think we’re all ready for that.
“If he is, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” Lana says, nodding to the lawyer’s car as it pulls up behind us.
Tessa Masterson is a tall woman with dark hair pinned back from her thin face. She’s in a gray suit and she’s flanked by two guards a little taller than she is.
“Good afternoon,” Tessa greets us. “Are we all ready to meet with Marissa Sawyer?”
“Ready,” Lana tells her, when no one else does. “Lead the way.”
“You’re sure about this?” I ask Lana, not wanting her to jeopardize her job.
She raises an eyebrow at me. “Are you seriously still asking me that?”
The lawyer heads through the open gates, Donnie and River following close behind.
Frost waits, scowling after the lawyer.
I look back at Lana. She gives me an impatient patient stare.
“You’re cute, K, but you’re not so smart.”
“Did you just call me an idiot?” I ask.
“I have a unicorn to set free,” she says. “I’m the one who came up with the lawyer thing, don’t forget. We’ll see who Brooke’s really impressed with today when she finds out.”
I laugh as she moves after the others.
Frost follows her, and I rush to catch up.