“You know, I remember when your father came to Steel Patriots,” grinned Ghost. “Stoic bastard didn’t want to say a word. Was pressing all the buttons to see if we’d toss him out on his head.”
“I pressed no buttons,” frowned Noah.
“Glad to see it hasn’t rubbed off on you, Rush,” laughed Gabe. “Do you need to notify your commander of what’s happened and that we’re here?”
“No,” he said in unison with Trak.
Trak stood, speaking to the others. He was taking this Delta mission as a personal one, thinking of Rush as another child or grandchild.
“No. He was sent on this mission alone, which means the country would deny any part in it. That also means that when we kill Grigoryan, and we will kill him, Rush needs to be visible.”
“What do you mean?” asked Caroline.
“He means that I should be in plain sight of lots of people so that his death is not blamed on me, an active-duty U.S. military man.” Caroline reached for his hand again, holding onto his arm.
“Promise me you’ll be careful,” she whispered. The others all smiled at the young couple as they turned their backs, whispering to one another.
“Caroline, I am always careful. Believe me. But knowing that I have you to come home to, I will be extra careful. I promise.” He kissed her, then heard his usually quiet father.
“I am going to try and not be offended by that. You do have your mother and I to come home to as well, you know.” They all chuckled, then stopped as Caroline’s phone rang.
“Hi, Mom! How is everything…”
“Caroline? Is my idiot husband there with you?” yelled Grace. She stilled, turning the phone towards all of them.
“Oh, shit,” muttered Ghost. “Uh, hi, babe.”
“Don’t you hi babe me! You guys said you were going on a hunting trip. Hunting! As in hunting moose or elk or something. Not a man! You’re supposed to be retired, Ghost!”
“Yes, Nine, you’re supposed to be retired as well,” said Erin, glaring into the phone.
“Need I add my thoughts?” said Faith. Alexandra was standing with the women, although not saying anything.
“Wow, you guys are in some deep shit,” muttered Moose with a grin. “I think I’ll eat my cheeseburgers before they get cold.”
“I’ll join you,” said Eric.
“Me too,” said Joseph. Caroline just laughed, shaking her head as she handed the phone off to Gaspar.
“I think we need to order more burgers.”
At 0400, Rush kissed the naked body of his fiancée, rubbing her flesh with his rough hands. She moaned, turning to face him, and wrapped her legs around his body.
“Baby, I wish we could, but Frank is here to get you home.” She stilled, looking up at him with tears in her eyes.
“Don’t make me leave,” she whispered. “I haven’t had enough time with you.”
“Oh, my sweet, sweet Caroline. I will never have enough time with you, even if it’s eternity. But your life is my number one concern right now. Frank and Dalton will make sure you’re safe. Trust that we’ll get the job done here, and then I’ll be home.”
“What about the zoo?” she asked.
“Your mom and dad are fixing that for us. They’ve informed the program director that your life was threatened, and we felt it best that you return home. You can start the final semester next week.”
“You’ve thought of everything,” she said, hugging him tightly. They smelled of one another, of sex and love.
“Caroline, I will be home. I promise you. I will be there for our wedding. Please, baby. Please.”
She looked up at the pleading expression and almost cried, seeing the fear in his eyes. Nodding, she got up and showered off quickly and dressed. Waiting in the living area of the suite was Frank and Dalton.