Back at the apartment, it’s not that late, but I have an early start, so I say goodnight.
I have only just closed my bedroom door when I hear a high-pitched yelp. I rush out to see what’s going on. My sister is lying on the kitchen floor, her face is contorted in pain. She’s clutching her ankle.
“Do you have any ice?” asks Rosa who is bent down beside Kendra.
I launch myself across to the fridge freezer and pull out a bag of ice cubes.
“What happened?” I ask as I wrap some ice in a tea towel.
“I’m an idiot. I just slipped over. Whomp! And I’m down,” Kendra says pushing herself up to a seated position against the cupboard.
I kneel down and gently press the icy tea towel against her ankle which is already swelling.
“I don’t think it’s broken,” Kendra says taking off her shoes. “I think I’ve just sprained it. Ouch. But it hurts.”
“We should take you to hospital,” says Rosa.
“No. No, it’s not that bad. I’ll be okay,” says Kendra attempting to stand. “I just rolled it. Look... I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t look that great, sis.”
Rosa and I help Kendra hobble to her bedroom. She lies down on her bed. Then I dive into my bathroom to fish around for painkillers. I grab a packet of something that could do the trick and a bottle of anti-inflams. I take her a glass of water. Rosa is sitting on the bed beside her.
"Nate. I don’t think I can do the shoot tomorrow,” Kendra says looking up at me with apologetic eyes, and I suddenly remember what she is talking about. “Can you get someone else?”
She’s right. This has left me in a bit of an inconvenient fix. There are a couple of people I know in town, but… “Gosh. It’s a bit late, er…” I pull out my phone and scroll through possible contacts. “Look, I can manage on my own. Don’t worry. I’ll figure it out in the morning. Get some rest, okay.”
I turn and walk out of the room, but when I get to the door, Kendra says, “Rosa. Would you be able to help out?”
“Well, I’ve never been on a photo shoot before. I wouldn’t know what to do.”
“It’s easy. Isn’t it Nate?” Kendra looks directly at me. “You could show her.” Then she turns her attention to Rosa. “It’s just carrying his stuff around, really. And, you know, following orders. Most of the time you’ll be standing and waiting, not actually doing anything at all.”
There’s a moment as this idea hangs in the air like a bubble before it pops. Taking Rosa would save me ringing around trying to get someone on such short notice. She’s totally inexperienced, but she looks strong enough to carry the kit. And she obviously has initiative and a functioning brain. Communication could be an issue. I hope she doesn’t bring that attitude I saw at dinner. But honestly, there’s not much she can mess up.
“Okay,” I say still standing at the door. “I have a taxi booked for six a.m. Be ready. I’ll talk you through everything when we’re in the cab.”
“Ah, Nathan. Kendra…" Rosa sighs. "If you really can’t get anyone and you think I can do this, I’ll do it.” She looks at me with resignation, then turns to her friend. “How can I refuse and not help out when you have both been so kind.”
Chapter 3
The alarm was harsh this morning. But my eyes pinged open, wide awake, in anticipation of the day ahead and it didn’t take long to get ready. I'm in the lounge waiting for Nathan when he surfaces at 5:50. Morning dialogue is minimal.
I’m slightly nervous about what's in store for me. I have no idea what I’m going to be asked to do, but I resolve to do my best to be helpful and not get in the way. I help Nathan with his bags and, as we stand side by side, going down in the elevator, I attempt to erase a niggling resentment left by his comment about me being ‘the right dimensions for a plus size model’. I mean, what the hell? Let it go, Rosa, I tell myself. Let. It. Go.
The taxi is waiting on the street outside. It’s early but traffic is mounting up already and we get honks on the sidewalk as we load in the gear.
“Right. Rosa. Listen. Count the bags every time we get in or out of a vehicle. There are six. Make sure there are six at the end of the day. That’s your number one task. Got it?”
“Got it.”
We drive to an address not far from the apartment to pick up more equipment. I stay in the cab while Nathan disappears inside and comes out a few minutes later carrying two long bags that look heavy. He lays them along the floor behind the driver’s seat. I have to lift my legs so he can slide them under. Nathan gets in and turns around to face me.
“Right Rosa. How many bags do we have now?”