Page 79 of The Secrets We Keep

“It’s after three,” Matteo replied, annoyed. “By the time we plan something and drive to Catania, it’ll be light out. I have bigger plans in motion than your revenge.”

“We’re all exhausted,” Luca said, rising to his feet and pulling Sienna with him. “We need more time to create a plan of attack, and we’ll think better after a few hours of sleep.”

Sienna rubbed at the ache in her temple. She wanted her uncle to pay, but not at the expense of Luca’s family or their men.

“Right. You’re right. Tomorrow, then.”

As everyone scattered, Luca led her into the hall and up the stairs. His room smelled like him, something she hadn’t taken the time to notice when she was here before. They undressed each other in silence, slowly, carefully. Then Luca drew back the covers and helped her into bed before crawling in behind her and fitting himself against her back.

“We’re going to get him, Sienna,” Luca whispered against her ear, his arm cinched tight around her waist and his knee tucked between her thighs.

She settled back against him in the dark and listened to Luca slowly fall asleep, his breath warm on the back of her neck. They were going to end this once and for all. She’d use every trick and tool at her disposal to avenge her family.

By this time tomorrow, Nero Gallo would be dead, and she would be alive again.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Sienna was already up when someone pounded on the bedroom door the next morning, but Luca jolted awake behind her, and she had to stifle a chuckle.

“Get up! Dom is almost here,” Matteo shouted through the door.

Luca snuggled closer, his arm tightening around her waist. “How long have you been awake?” he murmured into her hair.

“About two hours.”

He lifted his head to look at the clock over her shoulder and frowned. “You didn’t get much sleep, then.”

“No.” There was too much to think about. “But you kept me very warm.”

He smiled, pressing a kiss to her shoulder and rolling onto his back. “I can hear you worrying from here.”

“No, you can’t.”

Sitting up, he leaned over her, drawing his fingertip down her forehead and the bridge of her nose. “I can see it on your face and hear it in your voice. This ends today.”

“I know.” Luca wouldn’t like the plan she’d been building since sunrise, but it was most likely their best shot.

“We took down Varda’s entire army in a matter of months. We can kill a handful of people in a few hours. Do you trust me?”

She traced the shape of his jaw with her fingers. “Of course I trust you.”

“Then trust me when I say before your head hits this pillow tonight, Nero Gallo will have drawn his last breath.”

“Okay,” she said, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. “Let’s go set everything in motion, then.”

The house was buzzing with activity when they came down the stairs. More staff than she would have expected darting back and forth from what looked like a formal dining room and what she assumed was the kitchen. At least a dozen men were stuffed around the big table, drinking coffee and talking.

They acknowledged Luca and sent her curious stares when they walked by on their way down the long hall. Instead of turning into the living room they’d met in last night, Luca led her to the very end of a dead-end hallway and into a study decorated in rich browns and soft leather.

Carina and Alexei were already seated on one of the couches, and Carina smiled at her when they entered. Matteo sat behind a wide desk, and a man she’d never met before pinned her with a calculating stare from a chair opposite the couch.

“Who the fuck is that?” the man demanded.

Luca closed the door behind them and drew Sienna to sit next to him on the last remaining couch facing the desk. He reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers.

“This is Sienna Gallo, Nero Gallo’s niece. Sienna, my brother Dom.”

“You’re dead,” Dom said bluntly.