“You think you got another year of putting up with me in you?” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, and I flash back to the first time he did it and how hard it was to allow him to touch me.
“Baby, there will never be enough years with you.”
“Again! Again!” Wyatt cheers as he and Ozzy go down the hill for the millionth time in the sled.
“Later,” Carter calls out. “I need to get your butt inside before you start losing toes.”
“SPOIL SPORT!” Ozzy calls as she walks my nephew up the hill to his father. Truth is, Carter is taking Wyatt so I can talk to Ozzy. I’m going to tell her I love her, and if she says she loves me too, there is a ring in my pocket that is literally making me nauseous thinking about it. Not that I don’t want to ask, but am I rushing? Will she feel pressured? Will she run? All these things have been on my mind for the last week since I moved in.
Living with Ozzy alone is… not perfect. She has night terrors, and sometimes she sleepwalks. She is not a fan of my early morning snacking—even though she keeps my drawer fully stocked— she also stocks the cabinet like we are kids and the parents are away. I couldn’t find a single vegetable.
But I wouldn’t change the imperfect parts for anything in this world. I’m so in love with this pink-cheeked, snow-covered woman coming up to me, and I’m tired of her not knowing.
“Dashing through the snow…” she sings as she walks up to me, and I laugh, shaking my head.
“You’re an asshole.” I kiss the top of her head.
“Yeah, and you knew that and still thought, ‘Yeah, I want that one.’ I’m kind of concerned with your tastes, to be honest.” She wrinkles her nose as I poke her forehead.
“I don’t regret it.”
“Alright, well, I can’t feel my legs, so let’s go in and warm up under a blanket.” She grabs my hand, but I don’t move. “What is it?” She asks, spinning back around.
“Ozzy, I got something to tell you, and I want you to know this is how I feel, and it’s okay if you feel differently.” Her brows knit together, and she gives me an uncomfortable laugh.
“Okay? That’s not ominous or anything.”
“Ozzy, I’m in love with you.” I watch as her eyes go wide. “You’re smart and strong, and you have the biggest heart. You’re beautiful inside and out. You are my world, Ozzy, and… I don’t want to spend another second without you knowing you own my whole heart.” Her eyes become watery as she covers her mouth with her gloved hand.
“Jackson,” I deflate slightly but try not to show my disappointment. She needs more time, and that’s–
My thoughts are interrupted by Ozzy leaping on me, her icy lips attacking mine.
“I love you too. I love you too. Goddamn it, I’m so in love with you.” She says between her frantic kisses.
“Oh my god,” I laugh in relief as I hold her to me. We stay like this for another moment before she stands back up, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“There’s one more thing,” I say as I reach into my pocket.
“Oh god,” Ozzy gasps and looks almost faint.
“As I said, you own my heart, and I’m hoping, in return, you will give me your hand? Ozzy Davenport, will you marry me?” I open the box, and she falls to her knees, sobbing against my chest. I pull her up and look at her, tears clouding my vision. “Is that a yes?” I chuckle, and she looks up at me.
“CUPCAKE!” I scream as Indy, and I launch at each other. I hold my friend close to me as we stand in the middle of the closed showroom of the tattoo shop Derek works at, Hel’s Ink.
“You’re here!” She cries, hugging me again. “I’m so happy! And Jackson!” Indy moves over to embrace my fiancé as we make our way back to Derek’s station.
“I appreciate you doing this, Derek,” I say softly. “Especially since the shop is closed.” It’s two days after Christmas, and Hel’s Ink is closed until after the new year, but Jackson, as one of my Christmas gifts, got me in with Derek for a private session to cover up my final scar.
“No worries, Ozzy. Indy would’ve killed me if I said no.” Derek smirks while finishing the set-up.