“Do you miss the city?” He asks as we head back to the truck, main street having closed down over an hour ago.
“God no,” I laugh. “It was so busy, but I was completely alone. At least here I have the ranch and you.” I nudge him slightly as he opens my door.
“Do you see yourself leaving here?” I look up at him. His nose and cheeks are pink, and I give him a smile.
“Not if someone gives me a reason to stay.”
* * *
“You know,” Theo starts, though her eyes are laser-focused on the pretty brunette on the dance floor. It’s ladies’ night at The Spur, which means Theo is picking up, and somehow, I got roped into being her “wingman.” I would much rather be sitting on the couch with Jackson, trying to continue to work up the nerve to get him to spend the night in my bed, but alas, here I am, watching the ladies quite literally throw themselves on Theo.
“Dr. Denise is still needing a nurse. The one Pops told you about. I went there yesterday, and she asked what you were doing now.” I take a sip of my bottled water. I do remember him mentioning her briefly, but I brushed it off, not wanting to think about another position because that would’ve meant accepting Morris’ passing.
“Who is she again?” I ask as Niamh walks over and sets a soft pretzel basket down in front of us. I notice she has a face mask on today, covering her from her nose down. It looks like it’s overheating her. Her face is flushed, and a sheen of sweat coats her forehead.
“She is our lady doctor.” Theo continues, unbothered by Niamh’s appearance. “Handles all our exams, prenatal, and does home births if the ladies can’t get to the hospital in the city. She’s very nice. Her old nurse retired last month, and we don’t get many medical professionals in this town, so I’m sure you’ll be getting job offers from her and the town’s primary doctor, Dr. Hill. If you’re looking to stay around.” I knew of Dr. George Hill. I talked to him multiple times over the months to get refills for Morris’ prescriptions.
“Yeah, I do recall Morris mentioning that. I guess I could give her a call tomorrow.” I say softly, and Theo grins.
“Well, alright, we might just be able to keep you around.” I laugh lightly.
“I would like to stay here, it’s quiet.” However, the quiet isn’t the real reason I want to stay. My eyes flicker to the opening front door, and I watch my real reason walking through the door with Jensen by his side. Theo glances up and rolls her eyes.
“Niamh, lover boy is here,” I watch the look of horror shine in Niamh’s eyes as she starts brushing back her hair and taking off her apron to reveal her light blue flannel shirt.
“Shit,” she whispers. “He never comes in on ladies’ night.”
Theo snorts. “Looks like Jackson is dragging him along.” I smile shyly as our eyes lock, and goddamn this man. His rugged looks and piercing eyes. The eyes that bore into my fucking soul when we have sex. I never thought I would want sex again, but he is kind and patient and constantly communicates with me. I didn’t know sex could be like that. It’s otherworldly. The orgasms he gives are otherworldly. I wonder if I should thank him for the fantastic sex… but like, how? Do they make a thank you card for that?
“Hi Jensen!” Niamh beams brightly. I watch Jensen look away and cough into his hand.
“Is our table available?” The poor girl visibly deflates, and I have the urge to smack him upside his head.
“Jensen,” Theo shoves the man with her boot. “Don’t be an asshole, Niamh said hi.”
“Oh,” Niamh shakes her head and looks away, “No, it’s fine, um… It’s not right now, sorry.” There is an awkward moment of silence before she takes a step back. “Well, I better be off. I need to actually do my job.” Niamh jokes and walks off, leaving me to glare at the man.
“Wowww…” I mutter. “A real panty dropper right here.” I muse, causing Theo to choke on her beer as she tries not to spray it everywhere.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jensen huffs, staring at where Niamh walked off.
“It means,” Theo drawls, spinning to look at her brother. “You could be tapping her ass if you weren’t such an idiot.” Jensen’s face blanches before looking away.
“I have no desire to tap her ass,” he whispers, his face going from ghost white to red. “She is my friend, and that’s all.”
“Uh huh, well that’s a good thing because I think someone else might be moving in on her ass” Theo snorts at Jensen’s almost feral expression, “Alright, Romeo, come on. I need someone less attractive than me so I look better by comparison. Ozzy has been getting all the numbers tonight.” I laugh as Theo finishes her beer and drags a grumbling Jensen away.
I stare shyly at Jackson, who raises a brow. “You look awfully familiar,” he teases, and I roll my eyes while he sits on the stool beside mine. “No, no, I swear, I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere before…” He taps his chin before snapping his fingers. “That’s right! You’re an actress!”
I scoff and give him a quizzical look, “Alright, I’ll bite. No, I’m not an actress.” I say, unable to fight the smile pulling at my lips.
“Really?” His voice is low and smooth, and he has that cocky smirk front and center. “Because you’ve been starring in my dreams every night.”
“Oh my god,” I groan between laughs. “Please tell me that’s never worked before.”
He leans in closer, his lips hovering a whisper away from mine. “I don’t know. Ask me again tomorrow.” I bite my bottom lip and watch his eyes flick to them. “Dance with me,” he says, and I pull back.
“W-what?” I laugh, looking at the floor.