“Okay, let me just change first.” I can’t hide the smile on my face at his words.
“Great! I prepped pizzas earlier, so I’ll put them in the oven now.”
This is unreal.
What happened an hour ago was mind-blowing enough, but to be sitting here with Ozzy, Mama, and Pops, watching a movie… we didn’t even do this as kids. Mama nodded off on the couch, holding Pops’ hand about twenty minutes ago. Ozzy and Morris are still wide awake, making snarky comments at either the actors on the screen or each other. It both fills my heart and breaks it because the longer I’m around Pops in this state, the more I’m unable to deny what’s coming.
I look at Ozzy, who is catching pieces of popcorn in her mouth that she throws into the air. God, she’s beautiful. I am in awe that she allowed me that close to her to be that intimate with her. Watching her overcome her fears for that moment and give in to the pleasure I delivered was otherworldly. She wasn’t the only one who had to overcome negative feelings, though. When I put my finger inside her pussy and felt what those cocksucking mother fuckers did to her, I didn’t know if I wanted to cry or commit a murder. She does feel different; you can feel the divots and the scars, but it doesn’t make her any less desirable. It just makes me a little more violent.
Ozzy glances at me from her spot on the chair next to Pops. I give her a playful smirk and wink, which causes her to roll her eyes and throw a piece of popcorn at me. I stick my tongue out, and she responds with her middle finger.
“Am I going to have to separate you two?” Pops says in fake annoyance, causing us both to chuckle.
“She started it.” I grin at her look of betrayal.
“Me?” she huffs. “You’re the one staring at me like a goddamn creep.”
I give her a shrug. “Just enjoying the view.” I can’t help the grin on my face as she turns bright red, and Pops laughs lightly.
“That line is older than me,” his voice is tired and weak, but I can hear his playfulness coming through. “Surely I’ve taught you better than that boy.”
“I mean, I don’t know, Pops, it seems to have had the desired effect.” As if on cue, Ozzy’s face becomes a darker shade of red.
“You guys are assholes,” she huffs while refocusing on the movie. We sit in comfortable silence until the credits roll, and I see Pops is beginning to get tired, so I start cleaning up the dishes while Ozzy gets him comfortable for sleep.
“You know,” I hear him say to Ozzy. “The lady Doctor in town is gonna be hiring soon. Her nurse, Linda, is retiring in about a month or so.”
“Uh huh,” Ozzy mumbles while putting the blanket over him. “Are you wanting me to call and give her a recommendation?”
“I want you to give her your resume,” he states firmly, and I stop my movements and look at them. Ozzy seems taken aback at the suggestion.
“Morris, that would be a permanent job.” She says, her tone uneasy. “I would have to find a place to live. I would have to be there every day…”
“I know how a job works, girlie. This would be good for you.”
She looks from Pops to me and gives me a ‘help me’ look. I don’t want to help her, though. I don’t want to because that means she’s thinking about leaving once Pops passes, and I can’t handle that. I don’t even know how I’m going to handle losing him, but losing Ozzy, too, will destroy me.
* * *
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” I blurt out over the breakfast table. Ozzy drops her fork onto her plate of half-eaten pancakes and stares at me, mouth open and eyes wide.
“I mean,” Carter shrugs, leaning against my shoulder. “It’s all so sudden, Jackson. What will the townspeople think? Two brothers–”
“I will beat your stupid face in if you don’t shut up.” I hiss out before looking back at Ozzy and giving her an apologetic look. I hadn’t meant to blurt that out loud at the breakfast table in front of my entire family. She gives me an uncomfortable smile and… Oh god, is she about to try and let me down gently?
I can feel the embarrassment and rejection overcoming my entire body. I feel pinpricks and sweat all over, and fucking hell, why did I blurt that out.
“Sure,” her voice interrupts my mental screaming session, and I look at her in confusion.
“What?” I ask, causing Carter to snort and Mama to hit him upside the head with her hand.
“Sure, Jackson, I’ll go on a date with you.” Ozzy smiles softly. “What did you have in mind?”
“In mind for what?” I ask. Still stunned, she said yes. I watch her face fall as she looks toward my family and then back to me.
“For the date you nimrod,” Pops calls from his bed in the living room.