“Hey,” I say softly, trying to ignore my cock and balls that are still demanding a release. “That’s not fucked up. Especially if you aren’t the only one that likes it.” Her head snaps up, and I watch her eyes dart back and forth.
“Yes, really! You get on your hands and knees on the bed, and I’ll drive into you so far you’ll feel me in your throat! I just… I want you to feel safe with me, baby. That matters more than anything.” Walking over to me, Ozzy stands on her toes and kisses me while tugging on my cock.
“Fuck,” I whimper as she strokes me again. She guides me to the mattress and… “Jesus fuck Ozzy.” The breath leaves me as I watch my sexy girl get on all fours and put that perfect ass in the air. She has two large roses on either ass cheek, and when I look up at her back, I want to cry, or commit murder, as I see the tattoos covering her scars. I notice a red cluster on her lower left side.
“Poppies?” I ask, and she chuckles.
“Imagine my surprise when you named that flower and gave me my necklace. Now, are you just going to leave me here or what?” I’m taking that as my green light, and I drive myself into her. Ozzy lets out a shuddering moan as she lowers her upper half. “Harder,” she says, and I deliver again and again and again. I grip her hips and drive as deep as possible, her cries for more fueling me to deliver. I feel my balls tighten, and my thrusts become erratic, and just as her tight pussy clamps around my cock to unleash her orgasm, I release myself inside her, screaming her name with every powerful thrust.
“Are you excited?” Niamh squeals as I look through my drawers for an outfit. My drawers, in my room in my house. My house that I’ve lived in for three days and loved almost every second of it. The only times I don’t is when Jackson leaves at night to go to his bed because I won’t ask him to stay over.
“I would be if I knew where we were going so I could dress properly.” I sigh, flopping onto my bed. Jackson has a date planned for us, and even though I told him I would like to know where we are going so I can dress accordingly, he told me the last time I didn’t know and the outfit was “quite literally fuckable”, I didn’t have the heart to tell him Theo chose that outfit, had I, he would’ve needed to wash that memory from his brain. “This is probably the first time I wish I had something… pretty.” My clothes are many things - sexy, tattered, gothic/rocker, but ‘pretty’ is not one of them.
“Want to go to the boutique on Main? They always have cute clothes.” I lean up on my elbows and look at the girl.
“Only if you’ll go too.” Niamh beams before saying she wants to say bye to Jensen before we go. Sighing, I grab my phone, open the camera app, and take a quick selfie before sending it to Jackson.
Me: Due to you being secretive, you are forcing me to go shopping for this date. I should be asking you for your credit card.
Jackson: Jesus Christ, how is it possible you are THIS fucking hot just as a selfie?
Jackson: Also, I’m by the horses. Come get my card.
Jackson: Carter just saw your picture and called the selfie’ spank bank’ material. How badly do I need to beat him?
I can’t help but laugh out loud at his comment.
Me: I mean, he’s saying it’s jerk-off material… so I don’t know.
Jackson: brb, I have to commit a murder.
Me: Before you go! What am I supposed to wear?!
Jackson: Layers
Me: Layers?
Jackson: Yeah, we’ll be outside, so wear layers so you can stay comfortable.
It’s November, where is he taking me that involves needing layers?
Jackson: No woods. Promise.
* * *
“I’m still not sure why they have to be such bitches in this town, you know?” Niamh sighs as we sit at her house while she touches up the color in my hair, something I desperately need. Niamh is a hair stylist by day and a bartender by night, and honestly, I don’t know why she is in this town. She’s such a talented stylist.
“It’s alright,” I shrug. “I’m used to it.” I’ve been telling her that the actions of the women in this town aren’t her fault, but she still feels terrible. Especially after the cashier refused to take my credit card, stating, “I look like the type to have declined cards.” It’s alright though. I found this really pretty red maxi skirt with white and blue floral print and a white oversized cable-knit sweater. I paired the outfit with a pair of black booties that Niamh let me borrow.
“Still,” she grumbles, taking me to her kitchen sink to rinse me out. “They’re just mad because you nabbed yourself a Rowe. Those men are impossible to catch, and the fact that it took someone from the outside upsets them. Stupid cows.” I laugh as we walk back to the kitchen chair so she can start styling my hair.
“They seem to like you, and you have Jensen.” Niamh nearly drops her hair dryer.
“Oh! I don’t have him!” I watch her entire face go red.