Page 56 of Stray

Once it’s fully night, I sigh and stand up. I need to get him back inside before Tink comes out here and screams at me. Looking over, I see Betty is resting her head on Pops’ shoulder while he rests his on her face. “Alright, you two,” I chuckle. “I’m gonna get my ass chewed out for having you out so… Pops?” I feel my body run cold as I watch Betty move back and Pops’ head slump to one side.

Dread slaps me like a bucket of ice water as my brain tries to make sense of what I’m seeing.

No. This can’t be happening. Not now! Not right this… No!



Jackson: Ozzy

Jackson: I think he’s gone

I sprint through the dark field as fast as my legs will move. I’m barefoot but barely feel the earth below me, my medic bag bouncing against my body with each movement. He’s wrong. Jackson has no medical training. He has no idea what he’s saying. Morris’ medication can cause him to go into a deep sleep sometimes, and that’s all this is.

It’s movie night, my brain reminds me. His medication tonight doesn’t make him sleepy.

“Shut up!” I growl as I make it through the fence. I can hear the rest of the family back at the house making a commotion as they head over here. When I reach the horse stalls, I see Jackson. He’s looking at me, his eyes dancing in the moonlight, full of tears, and my heart stops.

No. Morris is not leaving.

“Ozzy,” he croaks, but I don’t stop.

“Move!” I yell as I shove past him towards the man in the wheelchair. He’s gone. I can see it before I reach out to feel for a pulse I know isn’t there. But I refuse to accept it. I can’t. I won’t.

“Morris!” My voice is a strangled sob as I touch his cool face. “Please,” I whisper as tears cloud my vision and my body begins to shake. “Don’t leave, please, please, please.” This is so fucking unprofessional, but I can’t help it. I grew too close. I grew too close, and now–

“Morris!” Dorothy’s sob guts us all. I watch Jensen and Carter hold her up as her knees buckle. I move back so she can see her husband. She kisses his lips softly before sobbing into him, collapsing to the ground and breaking down on his lap.

I lose it.

Wrapping my arms around my abdomen, I turn away from the mourning family as I begin to sob harder. Through my burning tears, I see Jackson’s figure sway like he can’t keep himself up anymore. I watch as he falls to his knees, and without thinking, I walk to him and wrap myself over his large back. My arms wrap around his neck as I press my face into his shoulder blade. I feel him stiffen, but quickly, his body goes limp as sob after silent sob racks him. There’s nothing anyone can say. There is nothing anyone can do except try to comfort one another as best as possible.

They lost a father and a partner, and I’m losing the closest thing I ever had to a family.

Falling backward, I rest my back on the fence and pull Jackson to me as he sobs harder and harder. “I’ve got you, baby,” I manage to get out through my own tears. “I’ve got you. Always.”

* * *

I begin the task of cleaning everything while Dorothy sleeps with Theo, who came over shortly after we called the funeral home. Jensen is on the phone with Derek and Indy while Carter plays with Wyatt, who was scared from everyone crying earlier.

“You don’t have to do that right now.” Jackson’s raspy voice pulls me out of my mindless tasks. I shake my head and give him a fake smile.

“I don’t mind,” I whisper. “Makes me feel useful.”

“You don’t have to be useful right now.” I watch him wince, apparently unhappy with his choice of words. I’m unfazed by them, too exhausted and numb to care. I turn back to the sheets, fold them up, and lay them on the hospital bed. I feel the burning begin again, and I don’t know how, but I start crying once more. I must make a noise because I sense Jackson next to me.

“What can I do, baby?” He whispers, and a sob is my only response as I hang my head.

“I’m so sorry.” I cry out as I turn to look at him. “H-had I not said to move him, had I just–”

“Ozzy,” his hands reach out and cup my cheeks, wiping away the falling tears. “Baby, what you did, what you said. It was right. Taking him out there… it was the right thing to do, and I am so thankful I got that moment with him.” He chokes out as he looks away, tears rolling down his face.

“Goddamn it,” he groans. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t really man–”

“Stop,” I whisper as I stare up at him. “You are allowed to cry. Don’t say that.” I look at his crumpled body and take a shaking breath. “Can I hug you?” I watch his bloodshot eyes snap up.

“Always,” his voice cracks, and I walk to him, slipping my hands around his waist and resting my hand on his chest. I stiffen when his arms wrap around me, and I feel the flight response kicking in. I know it’s just because I’m already amped up from Morris. I’m on edge, but I’m okay.