“Woof,” I say softly and watch her glare. She looks me over before rolling her eyes.
“Alright, Rowe,” she sighs, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the building. “Go on, talk.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, hoping she can hear the sincerity in my voice.
“I know, and I’m not mad about it. I pretty much forgave you before I left.” My eyes widen, and I look at her in confusion.
“Then why did you leave?”
“Because I’m starting to feel like we should separate a little bit,” she shrugs, avoiding my gaze.
“Why? What about last night?”
“I think that might’ve been a mistake,” she mutters, and I have to fight back the annoyance flooding my body.
“Don’t say that,” I whisper, stepping closer. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it because… I meant it last night.”
“I just think,” she lets out a shaky breath before continuing. “Maybe they did break me. You’re right, I-I crump–”
“No,” I interrupt, stepping closer. “No, Tink, they didn’t break you. I’m just a fucking cocksucker, and I’m scared. I’m scared because I’m losing my dad… and because I’m feeling something for you.”
“Jackson… don’t,” she pleads, unable to take a steady breath as her eyes begin to water. “Don’t say things like that.”
“Why? It’s true.”
“Because, when you say that, it makes it hard for me to remember why I should put the distance between us.” I press my lips in a hard line as I stare at her, and it’s like I’m staring into her beautifully tragic soul. It’s then that I see it. I feel it. She wants me to kiss her.
“You know what,” I let out a small breath, “Fuck it.” I close the space, and she gasps when I capture her soft lips with mine. She grips my shirt, pulling me to her, and I groan in satisfaction. She slips her arms around my neck and takes me by surprise when she jumps up and wraps her thick legs around my waist while swirling her tongue around mine.
“Fuck,” I whisper, pulling back to look over her face. I see the desire and trust… fuck, that trust is so hot. I want her to only give me that look, and I want to do everything in my power to make sure she does.
“Mmm… Jackson,” she pants, and a jolt shoots to my cock, and I groan against her lips.
“Baby, you moan my name like that, and you’re going to start feeling something. I’m trying very hard to keep you away from that.” She chuckles before leaning back to force me to press her against the wall, and then she fucking grinds against me.
“Holy shit,” she gasps, grinding against my bulge again.
“Fucking Christ,” I growl out as I rest my head on her chest. “You’re going to kill me.” I press myself against her again, and she lets out a whimper. “Is this too much?” I ask between kisses.
“No,” she thrusts again. “God, no,” She moves her head to my neck, and I feel her licking and sucking on my flesh.
“Fuck,” I hiss out. The sensations are too much. I feel her bite down and suck as she thrusts and grinds against me. “Ozzy, I…” You’ve got to be kidding me… NO! But it’s too late. I feel my body stiffen and then shudder as I lean against her. Oh my god, I just came from dry-humping like a teenager.
I pull back, feeling my cheeks reddening from the embarrassment as I set her down and step back. I’m mortified, beyond mortified. How? How!
“I… I gotta go.” I mutter and turn to leave. Leave to where? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll find a nice hole in the ground that is willing to consume me.
“Wh-what? Why?” She calls out, and I hear her running after me. Is she serious?
“You know why,” I grumble as my cheeks grow hotter.
“Oh, come on,” she laughs lightly and nudges my side with her elbow. “You blew in your pants, big deal.”
“Oh my god,” I groan loudly, staring at the sky. “Can you not make this any more embarrassing? It’s bad enough it was like two fucking minutes.”
“Listen, lots of guys can accomplish a lot in–”
“Oh, my god! Tink! I can last longer… I just… Jesus Christ, just get into the truck so we can go home.” She wraps her arms around her waist and begins cackling. Yeah, as adorable as it is to see her laugh, I wish it weren’t at my expense. “You really know how to boost a man’s self-esteem, Tink.” She snorts loudly and must notice because she stops and covers her mouth and nose, only to burst out laughing again while walking towards the truck.