“I’m getting better,” I complained. “I like your snuggles anyway.”
“Good. But War needs me.”
“Secret MC business?”
“We’re planning how to go after the Sinners. Their prez, or leader. I don’t know what they call him. But he’s the one who set up the hit on War’s dad. It’s time we settled the score.”
I stroked fingers over his bare chest, trailing my touch over his black and gray tattoos, and the thick, raised scars that ran all over his skin.
As damaged as he was, he was still perfect for me. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I can’t promise you that.”
“I know, and I know I can’t ask you not to do this. But you’re starting a war.”
Fang shook his head. “We’re ending one. The Sinners started it months ago when they ordered our prez be killed.”
I wasn’t really sure there was a difference, but I knew this was the life I was choosing by being with him. The thought of losing this…him holding me. Loving me. Now that I’d had a taste, it was almost unbearable to think about never having it again.
Like he could read my mind, he kissed my forehead. “Let Kian and Vaughn look after you while I’m gone. I don’t like the idea of you being alone in this room, worrying about me.”
“What if I want to just stay here and worry about you?”
He shook his head softly. “Please don’t. I can’t afford to be distracted. If I’m thinking about you being sad, my mind isn’t out there on the streets, protecting myself and my brothers.”
That was the last thing I wanted. I didn’t want to lose him. But I didn’t want him losing anyone either. The only family Fang had was his brothers at the club.
And now me.
“I’ll hang out with Kian and Vaughn. I won’t be alone. Don’t give me another thought until you’re back in my bed, okay?”
He rubbed his nose against mine. “Impossible. But I’ll be back soon.”
He slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him. Soft conversation floated back from the landing outside. I burrowed my head beneath the blankets, cheeks flaming, knowing he was probably talking to Vaughn.
We’d sent him a sex tape.
I was desperate to know if he’d watched it.
I didn’t know whether I wanted him to or not.
The thought of staying in bed and hiding was all too tempting. But after an hour of trying to psych myself up about facing Vaughn, I dragged myself out from beneath the covers. I’d promised Fang I wouldn’t hide in here, and I wasn’t about to start breaking my promises to him.
I found Vaughn and Kian watching football on the big-screen TV in the den. Despite being in the same room, there was a distinct frost in the air between them. The two men sat on couches at opposite ends of the room, as far away from each other as possible. Both had their gazes trained on the screen, neither talked or laughed or smiled. They had laser vision, pointedly not looking in the other’s direction, even though they clearly both wanted to watch the same game.
“What happened between you two?” I asked. “You were okay, and now suddenly you’re not.”
Vaughn glanced over at me. If he’d watched the tape, he showed no sign of it. “Nothing. We’re fine.”
Kian snorted without taking his gaze off the screen. “Vaughn begged me to fuck him. I wouldn’t, because I don’t trust him not to just up and leave again like the last time he wanted that. We’re not fine.”
I gaped at Vaughn; my little sex tape suddenly not even close to the most interesting unspoken thing in the room. “You what?”
Vaughn glared over at Kian. “Fuck, you’re an asshole. You ever thought maybe that was a private thing between me and you?”
“There’s nothing between you and me, Vaughn. Private or otherwise. You made that very clear.”
I sat on the couch in the middle of the room and tucked my feet up beneath me. “We need popcorn for this.”