Page 28 of Rebel Obsession

“So you do have the hots for him!”

I waved her away and flopped backward on the bed. “This is so bad. I wish we’d never come in here.”

“Do you think Vaughn knows?”

I shook my head. “No. There’s a weird tension between him and Kian. But it’s the kind that comes from seeing the other naked, and instead of thinking, geez, bro, put it away, you think, damn, bro, put it in.”

Bliss flopped back with me, both of us lying on our backs and staring at the ceiling.

“Okay, but as much as we were maybe hoping to find nothing, this cements the idea they were having an affair. An affair is a strong motive for murder. What if Kian wanted more than just some spicy nights with your mom? What if he offed Bart in a jealous rage?”

I peered over at her. “How many daytime soaps did you watch while you were off with morning sickness?”

“God, so many. But I’m serious! We should at least tell the cops.”

I held up the little yellow square of paper. “That we have a Post-it note for proof?”

“Doesn’t sound great when you say it like that.”

“How else are we going to prove it? We’ve searched his room. There’s nothing else here that points at the two of them having an affair. Vaughn and I went through our parents’ room too. All we got from that was photos.”

“You need to go through his phone. That’s where all the juicy stuff will be. Nudes. Love letters. Creepy stalker pics he might have taken of her while she was in the shower.”

I huffed out a sigh. “I just can’t imagine Kian doing any of that.”

“Explain the Post-it then.”

I couldn’t. “How am I supposed to go through his phone? Just come right out and ask him for the passcode?”

Bliss twisted onto her side and propped up her head on her hand. “You need to get closer to him.”

“I already live with the man.”

“Closer.” She grinned at me. “Good excuse to sleep with him if you ask me.”

I shoved her shoulder, and she toppled back onto the bed with a laugh.

“Two problems with that. One, he could have murdered two people. And two, we just found evidence he could have been sleeping with my mom!”

“Let me throw a little one-two back at you. One, that could be all coincidence. Two, you think he’s insanely hot and you’re looking for an excuse to moan his name.” She lifted her head. “Seriously, though, I want you to be safe. Maybe you should come live with us. At least for a little while.”

I shook my head. “I can’t. You’re right.”

She raised an eyebrow. “About sleeping with him?”

“About getting closer. If he has something to hide, I’ll find it.”


“Not naked!”

Bliss made a knowing sound at the back of her throat. “Mmm-hmm. We’ll see about that.”

She could see about that all she wanted. I had my hands full with Fang and Vaughn. Until I knew for sure Kian was innocent, I wasn’t getting in any deeper with him.

No matter how much certain parts of me protested.