Page 26 of Rebel Obsession

I stared up at her. “That sounds like something I would suggest and you would talk me out of. What are in those pregnancy hormones?”

“Beyond an overactive sex drive? I don’t know. But what I do know is I don’t want my best friend going to jail and getting preyed on by a butch lesbian named Biff.”

I frowned at her. “I think I’d much prefer a lipstick lesbian named Leslie if I was going down that rabbit hole, but can we not get so ahead of ourselves? I’m not going to jail.”

Bliss’s smile wavered. “Of course not. But I still think we should search his room anyway. You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do it all.” She headed toward the stairs.

I grabbed her arm. “You know something.”

Bliss shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

I knew when she was lying. “Swear on your unborn baby.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Rebel! You can’t make me do that.”

“It won’t be a problem if you aren’t keeping anything from me! But you totally are or you would have already done it!” I searched her face. “Did you talk to Liam?”

Liam Banks, my lawyer, was a friend of Scythe’s. Bliss had called him when I’d been taken into the police station for questioning.

Bliss sighed. “Fine. I spoke to Liam. He couldn’t really say anything, and I don’t want to stress you out. But he did kind of insinuate if we could produce some sort of evidence that would force the police to look beyond you, it would be helpful.”

We’d heard as much before, but I’d put it to the back of my mind, distracting myself with hunting Caleb and his friends down.

That might have been a mistake. I knew I was an easy target for lazy cops and a jury could easily find me guilty. Hell, I had means, motive, and opportunity.

Bliss cocked her head. “Are you hesitating because you don’t want to invade his privacy? Or because you think you might actually find something?”

The answer instantly popped into my head. I didn’t like it.

“The latter,” I admitted.

Bliss rubbed her hand up and down my arm sympathetically. “You like him. You don’t want him to have been involved. I totally get it. But as your best friend, Rebel, come on. You need to know who you’re living with. If he did this…you’re living with a murderer.”

That was a tad worrying. I’d moved myself in here, with next to no knowledge about either man sleeping beneath this roof.

Bliss knew she was getting close to convincing me and put the nail in the coffin. “If you’re even considering Fang’s offer to let Vaughn and Kian in, you have to know who you’re getting in bed with.”

“Shit,” I muttered. “I really hate when you’re right.”

Kian and I might not have acted on whatever was quietly building between us the way Vaughn and I had, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t there. I was trying so hard to convince myself we were just friends, but really, we weren’t even that. We couldn’t be.

I didn’t trust him. I wanted to. I wanted to focus on the sweet way he’d secured a lock to my bedroom door so I’d feel safe. Or the way he’d supported my desire to learn how to fight.

But ever since Sasha had put her seed of doubt in my head, I’d been putting up walls with him. Holding him at arm’s length.

I pushed up off the couch and held a hand out to Bliss. “Okay. We’re doing this.”

“Yes! Wait. Should we get gloves? Fingerprints and all. Do we have enough time? What if they come back. Oh God, that would be so bad if he busted us in there.” She wrung her hands. “Is going through someone’s room a crime? What if doing this with a baby in utero sets him or her up for a future life of crime?”

I glanced back over my shoulder at her. “Seriously? You’re worried about that when she might have gotten half her genetic makeup from Scythe and Vincent?”

“You have a point.”

Bliss was always more cautious than I was. She was the good girl to my morally gray. We sat nicely in those roles, and it was actually comforting to be back in them.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the stairs. “Come on. You put this idea in my head so you’re coming with me.”

She complained the whole way that she must have had temporary pregnancy-induced delusions but followed me into Kian’s room and stood in the middle while I started snooping.