War walked over and kissed him. “Yours is the only cock I want.” But they were interrupted by War’s cell phone ringing.
Scythe groaned. “Ugh. Leave it. I’m getting hard again.”
But War pulled away and glanced over at his phone on the bar top. “I don’t like calls at this time of the night. Makes me think someone is dead.”
I stood a little straighter, a sudden chill falling over me.
War strode across the room, yanking his jeans up but not bothering to do up his belt. It jangled as he picked up the phone. “All good. It’s just Fang. Probably club stuff.”
My shoulders slumped in relief.
Nash kissed my cheek. “I’m grabbing a shower before we go home.”
I smiled up at him. “I’ll come with you.”
I linked my fingers between his but stopped when War let out a whistle, stopping us both in the doorway. When I looked back, he was holding up one finger. A clear sign for us to wait.
“Is she sure?” War asked, that frown line between his eyes deepening. “Absolutely no doubt?”
He paused, waiting for Fang to fill him in on whatever it was.
That rising sense of dread came back with a vengeance. This was clearly not club business if he wanted us to stay. War wasn’t exactly secretive about what was going on with his club. If he could safely tell us what they were up to, then he did. But there was a lot he was too afraid to tell us. We’d learned not to push.
“Okay. We’ll be there in thirty. Don’t fucking do anything without us, all right? Yeah, I’ll bring Bliss.” He ended the call without saying goodbye.
With my heart thumping, I bit my lip. “You’ll bring Bliss where?”
He turned to Nash. “Can you grab her a blanket? We need to talk about Caleb.”
I blinked in surprise, but it was all too quickly replaced by a dark, heavy feeling I hadn’t felt in a while. I didn’t like thinking about my abusive ex anymore, now that he was out of my life for good. “What about him?”
War’s mouth tightened into a line. “He tried to kill Rebel tonight.”
“What!” I yelped.
But War continued without reacting. “She’s okay. But she thinks he has another woman locked up in his house. Fang wants backup to go in and try to get her out.”
Scythe sprang to his feet like he’d been waiting all his life to be called up. “Put me in, Coach. I’m your guy.” He rolled his head to one side, his neck cracking audibly. “It’s been too long since I had some fun with our little friend.”
War looked to Nash. “You want in too?”
Nash wasn’t as bloodthirsty as Scythe, nor did he lead the same sort of violent lifestyle War did, where killing was just part of his job as an MC prez. But Nash’s eyes narrowed. He loved Rebel like a sister and he hated Caleb as much as the rest of us did. “Fuck. Yes.” He shook his head. “This is our fault. We should have ended him permanently after what he did to Bliss.”
Scythe frowned. “Pretty sure I was the one who suggested murder and mayhem, and you went all dad mode on me and said I wasn’t allowed.”
Actually, that had been me. Caleb was an influential businessman. He had connections to powerful people and parents who would notice if he suddenly went missing. Killing him wasn’t as easy as taking out some trailer park trash who everyone expected to die of an overdose anyway. It had been me who’d talked them out of going after him. I’d been scared. I had everything I’d ever wanted in these three men. Love. Security. A home, and a baby on the way. Caleb had been out of our lives. Too scared, I’d thought, to try anything again. I hadn’t wanted my men hurt or back in prison. Not when we had so much to look forward to.
I’d just wanted them out of danger. Safe with me and here to watch our baby grow up.
A tear rolled down my face at the thought of Rebel being hurt by my lack of action. She was my family as much as these three were, and yet I’d left her vulnerable and unprotected.
With hate in my heart for what Caleb had turned me into, I steeled myself for words I never thought I’d say about a man I’d once loved. “Kill him. End this once and for all.”
It was still dark when Vaughn opened the front door to our house.