She came around my cock, my name on her lips, and I replaced my hand with my mouth so I could kiss her.
“Hurry up,” she moaned. “Come inside me.”
I grabbed her sweet ass, hauling her in tighter and slamming myself inside her slick pussy. She clamped down on my length, my orgasm taking hold and milking every drop from my body.
An entire swarm of police cars could have circled us in that moment, sirens blaring, lights flashing, and I wouldn’t have noticed.
Buried deep inside her, nothing else mattered.
I came hard, kissing her mouth, spilling inside her like she was mine.
Without withdrawing, I picked her up.
She wrapped her arms around me tight, burying her head in my neck, kissing the sensitive spot sweetly.
I didn’t want to put her down, but I knew we couldn’t stay here any longer. We had only wasted minutes, the sex a race to get off, but we couldn’t just stay here kissing and hugging like we had all the time in the world. It wouldn’t be long before news got out, and the two of us fucking like horny rabbits in balaclavas was kind of eye-drawing for anyone who might happen to drive by, even if it was dark.
The car’s interior light turned on automatically when I opened the back door, and I bent down so I could lay her out on the back seat. I hovered over her for a second, her pussy still giving little flutters around me, then reluctantly withdrew.
Watching my dick slide out of her stretched pussy was the hottest thing.
Leaving my cum inside her, and watching it seep out of her cunt beat it.
I couldn’t help myself. I scooped a little of it up and rubbed it on her clit.
Her moan had my dick threatening to get hard again.
Fuck. This woman. I’d never felt anything like the high I had going on right then. No drug I’d ever experimented with had come close to the feeling of wanting her.
It was dangerous. Reckless. Wild.
Everything my father’s business partner had never let me be.
My brain shouted warnings, loud enough to force me to listen. But not before I grabbed her hand and put it to her cum-soaked pussy. “Make yourself come again before we get to my parents’ house.”
As I closed the door, I expected her to squeal and refuse, but by the time I got in behind the steering wheel, she had the balaclava discarded to the floor, her shirt lifted to expose her pert, round tits, and her free hand working furiously between her legs.
“Fuck,” I groaned, my dick thickening again. I hadn’t even had a chance to do up my fly, but I couldn’t drag my gaze away from my woman on the back seat, pleasuring herself like arson got her going.
“Drive, Vaughn,” she moaned.
I put the car in drive and hit the gas, taking the back way out, along the dirt roads I knew so well from growing up here. We came out on the far side of Providence, on the opposite side of town to where we needed to be.
We were late, the clock on the dash already reading quarter to eight, but I didn’t care. The longer drive gave me more time to listen to Rebel’s moans in the back seat, to inhale the scent of her arousal, and to sneak looks at her when she got herself over the line with a shout of release.
By the time I parked in my mother’s driveway, just down the road from our own, Rebel had her pants done up and was trying to fix her hair, which looked like a flock of birds had nested in it. I got out and turned away from the house using the door as a shield. I tucked another erection into the low waistband of my pants and dragged my hoodie down over it. When I opened the back door to let Rebel out, she was sitting as demurely as she would have at Sunday school.
I took her hand and helped her out, straight into my arms. I didn’t care if my mother was watching through the window. I kissed Rebel’s mouth hungrily. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright. “That was reckless.”
She was right, and we both knew it, but in that moment, if someone had asked me if I would change any of the last hour, I would have said no.
I would have done it all again in a heartbeat.
“I need a shower,” she complained. “We should have gone home first. Your mom is going to know what we’ve been doing, I’m sure.”
I drew her in tighter, some protective part of me needing to have her close. “No shower. I want to know your panties are soaked with my cum.”