‘‘I’ve already lost my heart to you. I don’t mind losing a race.’’ I teased her.

Both of us laughed heartily.

It was weird that the ideal love I had been searching for this long was right here and had always been right here. I had been too naïve to understand her feelings. Both of us were living in denial, but not anymore.

Chapter seventeen


Two Years Later

I stared down at my wedding ring and smiled. The memory of our wedding is as vivid and fresh as if the reception took place last night.

The romantic blush banquet hall looked like it had come out of a dream. It was decorated impeccably with scented candles in candelabras, flower arrangements, balloon garlands, and lighted burlap garlands decorated in pairs. There were embroidered hoops, screen-sublimated wedding flags, chair sashes, bronze lanterns, and so much more. The ambiance was unparalleled. Its aura was magnetic.

The layers of grommet drapes in red and scarlet were arranged flawlessly to cover the whole backdrop of the stage wall. The varieties of decorations complemented each other perfectly despite their differences. It was all beautiful and made jaws drop.

I was dressed in the finest silk and diamond gown, which Ryan had specially designed for me by a prominent fashion designer in LA. Ryan took me in his arms before we left for the banquet hall. He told me that he hadn’t seen any woman more beautiful than me on earth, to which I replied it was his love for me that made him feel so, as I was only a plain Jane.

He kissed me on the forehead and carried me in his arms to the banquet hall. The most beautiful moment of my life. Ryan is not only my husband but the best friend I’ve got. With him, life is worth living to the fullest.

Mr. Pearson has been kind enough to let Ryan continue his passion for Soccer, and it paid off because Ryan’s team won the championship, and he was voted the team MVP.

In spite of our busy schedules, we make sure we are always home to have dinner and enjoy our evenings as ours. After dinner, Ryan and I usually take a walk together and talk about our future under the starry sky.

Things became all the more beautiful for us when we discovered I was pregnant a few weeks ago. I’d done the pregnancy test at home, and it came out positive. I was thrilled, calling Ryan as soon as I found out.

‘‘Ryan, I need you to come home quickly.’’

‘‘Is everything okay, Michelle? Are you not at work?’’ he was startled.

‘‘No… I’m not at work. That’s why I’m telling you to come home, silly.’’ I tried hard not to laugh.

‘‘Sure, darling. I’ll be there soon.’’ Ryan replied and hung up.

Within the next fifteen minutes, Ryan was at home. Both of us sat in the living room. Never before had I seen Ryan this nervous as he rubbed his hands together. ‘‘Michelle… you’re scaring me now. Tell me, what is it?’’ He bit his lip and held my hand firmly in his.

‘‘Ryan… we need to see a doctor quickly.’’ I pressed my lips together and tried hard not to laugh.

Mr. Ryan Pearson, do you think it’s only you who is capable of these funny tricks?

‘‘Doctor… We need to see a doctor, but why?’’ he stammered with confusion.

‘‘To make sure that we welcome the one who will be arriving in this world with joy!’’ I raised my eyebrows.

The poor guy got all the more confused and couldn’t understand anything, ‘‘Welcome who?’’ He looked at me quizzically.

I couldn’t hold it any longer and burst into laughter. I laughed so hard that tears flowed down my cheeks, ‘‘Oh, my God. I can’t believe you couldn’t see through this joke.’’ I snickered from the couch beside him.

‘‘What… w-what kind of joke? What are you talking about?’’ he lightly scratched his head and continued wearing a puzzled expression on his face. ‘‘And what’s making you laugh so hard?’’

‘‘Ryan, you think you are the only one who can be funny?’’ I laughed again.

He was slowly losing his patience but trying to maintain his composure. He had no idea what I was trying to say. I felt it was time to give him the good news and stop teasing him.

‘‘I can’t take this anymore.’’ His patience finally gave up, and he started to stand up.

‘‘Ryan… You’re going to be a daddy.’’ I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.