Leah passed me a cup of coffee as we both sat in the living room after having lunch.‘‘So, who is your mom expecting you to start dating? Did she have someone in mind?”

‘‘Yes, and you know him.’’ I laughed awkwardly.

‘‘Do I really? Who?’’She sounded shocked.

‘‘Lucas. And the weird thing is, just the other day, he called me and asked what I thought about us dating. You think that was a coincidence?’’

“Seriously? I mean, he is a great guy, but I thought y’all were just good friends?” Leah was eying me with confusion.

‘‘I know…He is a great guy, but I don’t feel that way about him. I need to figure out a way to tell him that without hurting his feelings or our friendship.” I said, looking worried.

“Just tell him the truth. He will understand and appreciate the honesty. Besides, we both know who you are really interested in.” Leah said with a smirk on her face.

‘‘Oh, we do? Who is that?’’ I asked with my eyebrows raised.

‘‘Ryan! Come on, Michelle, everyone can see how happy he makes you.” Leah answered, waiting to see my reaction.

‘‘Even if I am interested in him, what does it matter? He only treats me as a friend. You have no idea how many gorgeous girls drool over him and flirt with him.’’ I said softly as I imagined Ryan with all the pretty girls.

‘‘That doesn’t matter. Why don't you tell him how you feel? You never know; Ryan could have the same feelings for you.”

‘‘You want me to tell him how I feel? You’ve got to be kidding. You know I can’t do that, it could ruin our friendship.’’ I said as we continued talking in the living room.

‘‘Then I don’t see even a vague possibility for you guys to be together.’’ Leah shrugged her shoulders. ‘‘I mean, you need to do something. You can’t just sit on your butt and do nothing about it.’’

‘‘There’s no need for me to do anything because there is no possibility either way. He’s interested in someone else.’’

“What? Who?” She asked with surprise.

"Her name is Amy. She is a soccer player, and they talk on the phone and hang out occasionally. He says they are just talking and aren't serious, but I don’t know how true that is.” I said, hopeful that things fizzle out between them soon.

We continued talking for hours, and it was late. I looked down at my phone and saw a picture of Amy and Ryan on Instagram. She must be back from Florida.

‘‘What?’’ Leah exclaimed. ‘‘Why are you shaking so badly? Pull yourself together, Michelle. Relax…let me see what you saw on your phone that drained the life out of you.’’

I passed my phone to her with trembling hands. Leah held my hand in hers tightly. I pointed to the picture of Ryan and Amy on FB that Amy had uploaded. She’d tagged Ryan in it with the caption, Happy times with the people who make me happy. Both of them looked perfectly happy in the picture at some romantic restaurant having what appeared to be a candlelit dinner. Amy looked stunning in her mustard-yellow dress, and those dazzling eyes of hers were shining. I felt an ache in my heart—a deep ache that I couldn’t express even to Leah.Was I too late?

Leah bit her lip and gazed at the photo for a while, “I don’t think this proves that they’re in a relationship if that’s what you’re trying to say.’’

‘‘Amy and Ryan have been spending time together for a little bit now, and what if things are really starting to get serious? I won’t be his fake girlfriend anymore, and I won’t get to spend as much time with him. This is eating me alive.’’ I said as I looked outside the window.

‘‘So, what do you want to do now? Move back to Davenport?’’

I had no answers to her questions. I was mixed up and didn’t want to make a rash decision right now, but Leah wanted answers. I knew she was asking these questions because she was genuinely worried about me, but my mind and heart were too exhausted for any answers. I held my throbbing head in my hands and stayed silent like that for a few minutes.

Leah, too, didn’t speak until I spoke. What I loved about her was that she knew when I was ready to speak and when I wasn’t. I lifted my head after I regained my composure a little bit and spoke.‘‘I want to put an end to this fake girlfriend drama. I’ll tell him I can’t continue with this.’’ I spoke in pauses. ‘‘He can figure out how to tell his dad. And no, I wouldn't move back to Davenport, but I would search for my own circle of friends and start to meet new people. At least I wouldn’t be a part of a game where I’m messing with the feelings of an old man who has been so kind to me and has given me such an amazing job.’’

But it was only a partial truth. I knew the longer I stayed with Ryan, the more difficult it would become for me to leave him. It was hard even now, but certainly not harder than hearing the man I was falling for talking about the times he spent with another girl while I had to fake being happy for him.

‘‘You’ve got to listen to your heart, Michelle. I’ll be here for you no matter what you decide to do.’’ Leah said as she gave me a hug.

After all the emotional breakdowns that I had experienced since that morning, I went to bed and tried to sleep it off. Earlier, I was conflicted and couldn’t make any decisions, but after coming to Bradbury and talking to Leah, I was sure that I wanted to tell Ryan that I was moving out and could no longer be his fake girlfriend.

Chapter eleven


After I dropped her off at Leah's, I went to meet my friend Ivan and a few other people were there to visit him, including Amy. They had also stopped by to ask about his welfare, as he had undergone gallbladder removal surgery a few days ago.