‘‘I asked is Lucas seeing anyone?’’ Ryan repeated.
‘‘I have no idea. Why are you asking?’’ I asked, confused about where the conversation was going.
‘‘I mean, from what you have told me about him, he is good-looking, has a good job, is well-liked, and not idealistic like me. I’m sure that he must be dating someone.’’
I shrugged my shoulders, ‘‘I don’t know if he is serious about anyone.’’
Ryan didn’t say anything but continued to drive through the familiar streets in silence, which raised many questions in my mind.
Did he think that Lucas and I were in a relationship? Even if he did, should it bother me? It shouldn’t, but it was bothering me.
We pulled up to the apartment, but I was so engulfed in my thoughts that when I got out of the car, I didn’t see the man rushing toward me, snatching my handbag. Ryan was taking out groceries from the trunk when my shrieks caught his attention. The next moment, he was running after the man. My heart was in my throat. I cried out to him, asking him to stop, but he was determined. The next moment, the man was lying on the ground gasping for air, and Ryan was bristling with anger as he kicked him hard in the leg. Then he picked him up by the collar and punched him in the face.
‘‘Hey. You loser. Are you going to kill me over this piece of crap?’’ He threw the bag at Ryan’s face.
‘‘H-how, how dare you hurt her…how dare you,’’ He gave him another hard blow to his abdomen.
‘‘Ryan…Ryan, for God’s sake, stop. Please let him go; we got my purse back…’’ I cried out when I saw the man’s nose bleeding. ‘‘Ryan, please leave him alone.’’
Ryan looked at me with red eyes. ‘‘Are you okay?’’
The man pushed him hard and ran down the street faster than a speeding bullet. Ryanran over to me, holding onto me tightly.
‘‘Ryan, what was the need to risk your life and run after the guy? What if something had happened to you? This handbag was not worth it.’’I said, worried about what could have happened to him.
‘‘It’s not about the handbag. It’s about the fact that he hurt you.” Ryan said, looking down at my red wrist.
He pulled me into the apartment and led me to the bathroom, grabbing bandages for me. The pungent smell of antiseptic ran throughout the whole apartment as Ryan dressed my wounds.
I smiled, ‘‘Ryan, I am so grateful for your help. What if it had happened without you there?’’ I smiled weakly. ‘‘Who would have been there to protect me then?’’
He shrugged as he shook his head, ‘‘I don’t know. All I know is that I won’t let such a situation happen to you. I’ll always be there to protect you.’’
I blushed.
A couple more days passed, and it was Friday now, the night Leah was coming over to surprise me. Leah showed up a little after I got home from work. She was surprised to see Ryan in my apartment.
“Hey, Leah, this is my friend Ryan I have been telling you about. We went to high school together.” I said as they shook hands to introduce themselves.
“Nice to meet you, Ryan, I have heard a lot about you.” She walked into the living room. ‘‘You knew I was coming, didn’t you?’’ Leah smiled as we sat down on the couch.
‘‘No, certainly not.’’ I tried not to laugh as I looked out the window.
‘‘Come on, Michelle. I don’t buy that. I’m sure Lucas must’ve told you that I was coming,’’ Leah smiled as she looked at Ryan, who smiled back at her. ‘‘After all, he doesn’t hide anything from you.’’ She laughed.
I felt my cheeks burning as I licked my lips, unsure how to reply to her.
Ryan got up from his chair. ‘‘I’m going to head out now. You ladies have a great time.’’ He turned toward me. ‘‘I’ll be home late tonight, don’t wait up.’’
I felt restless. Was he going on a date? And if so, with whom? And why was this bothering me so much? It shouldn’t. I was only his fake girlfriend.
I couldn’t resist the urge to ask him where he was going.
‘‘I’ve got dinner tonight with some friends. You guys enjoy.’’ He said as he walked to his room to get ready.
My heart sank a little that he wouldn't be hanging out with us tonight, but it was probably for the best so I could catch up with Leah on what all has been going on.