Michelle heaved a sigh of relief, ‘‘I’m so glad that we could stay in touch despite having busy lives. There is a beautiful sense of déjà vu.’’ Michelle looked outside the window at the incredible city of Los Angeles.
“Why are we driving to Beverly Hills?” She asked as we passed the sign for the off ramp. “My apartment is in Hidden Hills.’’ Michelle was taken by surprise.
‘‘I know, but my apartment is in Beverly Hills,’’ I replied as my driver turned us in the direction of Beverly Hills.
‘‘But I have already rented an apartment, Ryan.’’ Michelle said with confusion
‘‘You think I’m going to let you live in a rented apartment when I have an apartment in the city? Besides, you’re new to this city, I can’t let you stay in a dinky apartment in the middle of nowhere.’’
“That's kind of you, but I’ve already paid for the first month. The contractor is a friend of Lucas. He has arranged the apartment for me. So, take it easy.’’
‘‘Oh, are you still in contact with Lucas? I didn’t realize,” I looked at her with a gaping mouth.
‘‘I am… Abel and Lucas are still best friends, and we went to the same college so I’ve spent a lot of time with him over the years. We talk almost as much as you and I do, even though he lives in New York now. Isn’t that amazing?’’ Michelle raised her eyebrows.
I didn’t reply. ‘‘Whatever it is, I won’t let you stay in a random apartment. Lucas might know the contractor, but I don’t. So I’d feel better if you stayed at my apartment in Beverly Hills, I haven’t been staying there anyway. I have been staying with my dad. He got Pneumonia about a month ago and I went to stay and take care of him until he gained his strength back. But I won’t force you.’’ I didn’t look at Michelle.
“I am sorry to hear that about your dad.” She said as she put her hand on my knee to comfort me. “Okay Ryan, I’ll stay at your apartment. You know I can’t say no to you.’’ She offered me a small smile.
‘‘Is this an apartment or a mansion? It’s a slice of heaven!’’ Michelle said as we entered the apartment and she looked around in awe; feeling the silk curtains with her hands.
‘‘I’m sure you’ll have a great time here. You take a shower and change into fresh clothes and I’ll take you out for lunch.’’ I offer, showing her to the bedroom she’d be staying in.
‘‘I’ll be ready in a few minutes.’’ She promised.
Sure enough, twenty minutes later, Michelle was back in the living room where I was sitting and waiting for her. She’s changed into jeans and a plain white T-shirt. It was simple, but again she looked beautiful.
‘‘Chicken Quesadilla and Greek salad for her and Spaghetti and meatballs for me.”
“Do you need anything else?” The Waiter asked, writing our orders in his notepad.
“No, we’re good, thanks!” I gave a quick nod, and he walked away from the table.
Michelle held her face in her hands and gazed at me with her sparkling eyes that gleamed all the more with the golden chandeliers of the restaurant.
‘‘I still can’t believe you remember my favorite meal,’’ Michelle exclaimed.
“It’s hard to forget your love for Quesadillas when you’d get them every time we went to that Mexican restaurant by the school.”
Michelle laughed. She couldn’t argue with me. She asked me about my week, leaning her arms on the table as I spoke. She’s always been a great listener.
The food arrived, and Michelle started to eat her salad.
“‘What about Pecan pie?’’ I replied as I took a slice of feta from her salad and put it into her mouth.
It sparked laughter between us, making everyone in the restaurant stare at us.
‘‘Can we be a bit more civil?’’ Michelle was trying hard not to laugh again. ‘‘See how everyone is staring at us?’’
‘‘You still remember that Pecan pie episode?’’ I asked.
She gave me a small smirk, ‘‘Of course, how could I ever forget that? You were so busy watching your phone that you put the Pecan nut into your nostril instead of your mouth.’’ She said with amusement, clearing her throat. She had watery eyes. ‘‘Oh! What amazing times those were.’’
We sat and ate together, catching up on life, and before we knew it, our plates were cleared, and the bill was paid.