Luminous giggled back at him as she darted between those trees, her shimmering wings glittering alluringly in the gentle light of a hundred dying suns as she hovered just above the leaf-strewn ground.
She had no idea how easy she’d made this, leading him here into the Forbidden Forest. This place was as familiar to him as the Theater of Dread Puppets, the Hall of Mirrors, or the Circus Macabre. There would be no losing him here.
Hints of glimmering dream dust against the dark backdrop of ancient foliage created a clear path to where Luminous cowered silently in a clump of mottled leaves high above his head. She curled around herself, knees tucked up, lips clamped tight to prevent unwanted sound from escaping. Wings pressed tightly against her back, she’d covered herself in strands of Spanish moss to disguise their brilliance and the light shimmer of her skin.
Clever girl. But not clever enough.
Pretending ignorance of her position, Precipitous sauntered beneath her branch, paying careful attention to the ground and none to the DayDream who attempted silence above.
“You think you’ve lost me,” Precipitous murmured in a voice that held a hundred deep-seated fears and the threat of drowning in them all. “You think perhaps I will give up and wander off to haunt you no more…”
He let his form expand further, breaking completely through the skin he’d formed to walk the mortal realm. His horns grew, curling up to scrape the foliage above with sharp, tapered points.His veins crackled with red-hot power, writhing beneath his hardened skin.
“You are wrong, little Dream.” He smiled, still keeping his eyes to the ground. “So horrifically wrong.”
Precipitous could hear her racing heartbeat, could sense her hesitation as she battled through her need to stay silent and her desire to reach down and run her fingertips across those sleek horns.
His sweet little Dream was so incredibly susceptible to temptation.
Suddenly, his hand darted out, gripped one slender ankle hovering within the branches, and tugged the flustered DayDream from her precarious perch.
“Eep!”She tumbled down, grabbing everywhere at once, trying to gain control over her sudden, unexpected descent.
But Lumi had nowhere to go, so Precipitous carefully caught her as though she were a porcelain figurine tumbling from a shelf into his hands. She’d not expanded her form, but remained a tiny thing, a creature he could devour in a few sharp bites should he so choose. For a moment, he wondered if she could shift herself here, so deeply embedded within a fundamental shard of Nightmare. Perhaps her skills were muted, as his would be if he stood solidly in her world.
Precipitous slowly swept the claw of one thumb across her throat, and Lumi shuddered. Her wings had gone still, crushed against his palms, and her eyes filled with horrified tears.
“I will never let you escape, Luminous.”
He drew the claw downward, slicing through the soft fabric of her short, strapless dress, cautious not to cut too deeply into her tender flesh. She moaned as the sharp tip crossed her belly, dipped down to swipe through the wetness of her pussy, trailed down between her slightly open legs. But his little Dream also remained utterly still, avoiding any arching or writhing that would bring her in closer contact with that keen edge.
Pinching the material between his finger and thumb, Precipitous yanked the remains of her dress from beneath her, leaving her bare in his hands.
There was no shame or shyness in his little Daydream. She bent her knees and pressed her heels into his palms, opened her thighs wide in invitation. Her eyes glared up at him in challenge.
“You promised a devouring,” she said.
Precipitous rolled his forked tongue across his upper lip, the halves twining in anticipation, then bent his head to swipe a hot, wet path along the inner edge of each of her thighs.
“Ah, Fuck yeah,” she screamed as he slowly inched his way up to what she really wanted. And Precipitous thrilled at the sound of her cries.
Chapter 12
What a Naughty Dream Deserves
Luminous Dream
In all the sexual encounters Luminous Dream had ever taken part in, she’d never experienced something like this.
Preci held her in his cupped hands and licked up her center, spreading his split tongue flat to lave her entire body as he made his way up from thighs to throat. Those dual tips swirled in tiny circles as he coated her in his saliva and his razor-sharp teeth scraped fine raised lines into her skin.
Luminous threw back her head and arched her hips, offering up her throbbing pussy in the hopes that he’d direct his attention there.
He pulled back slightly to regard her, then chuckled. The dark forest around them dripped and shifted, carving out a space for whatever they might choose to do.
“You want something, little Dream?” The teasing note in his voice stoked her excitement even higher. He flicked his tongue against her belly to make her squirm. “Tell me truly, what do you think you deserve after running from me like that?”
Luminous arched her hips further, pressing her heels into his oversized palm.