“That’s a pretentious moniker,” she observed after another long sip of smoothie.

“Do I seem pretentious to you?”

Now she laughed. She’d seen this man — this creature — losing his mind at the tips of her claws. No, pretentious didn’t describe him at all.

“Luminous Dream.” She shrugged “DayDream if you’re being particular. But yes, friends call me Lumi.”

She paused, watching him search for a reason she’d reveal her true name so easily. On impulse, she asked, “Can I call you Preci?”

Startled, he blinked at her for a moment. His piercings shimmered in the sunlight as the corner of his lip turned up ever so slightly. Luminous suddenly wanted to know if he had piercings anywhere else in this form.

“You may call me anything you wish,” he said magnanimously. “But you do need to explain your true purpose here. Surely you’re not defying the Dual Realms on a whim.”

Luminous sighed, feeling she’d won some battle while losing a war somewhere.

“I’m making those two fall in love,” she said, pointing out the window at the couple now conversing on the sidewalk outside. She shot him a mock-angry glare. “As long as they remain in a pleasant mood, without nightmares haunting their evenings, it should be an easy job.”

Ignoring her faux anger, he furrowed his brows. “But why? What would possess you to take such a risk?”

She knew what he meant. Unauthorized interference with mortals came at a cost, though she’d likely be forgiven if she accomplished her objective. Making a mortal’s dream into reality would earn her accolades. It would let her become someone who mattered, someone who created the kind of dreams that would linger for decades in a dreamer’s mind. Not merely passing fancies, but true art. That chance was worth any risk. Go big or go home, right?

But if she failed, her time in the Dream realm would be over. Her existence might be over.

“A promotion,” she confessed, knowing it probably seemed silly to him. His was one of the most exalted positions in the Nightmare Realm, and he’d been created entirely for the role he filled. His world didn’t involve as much jostling for position or backstabbing or secret missions that were as likely to result in exile as success. For a creature who preyed upon human fears, his life was easier than hers.

He didn’t act as though he thought her silly. A slight nod indicated empathy. Understanding.

“You mentioned a timeline,” he said.

Had she? Luminous couldn’t remember. She must have, though she’d obviously never admit the reason.

“Eight more days,” she told him. “If I can get him to do some grand romantic gesture before the big Valentine’s Day event, I’ll get everything I want.”

Precipitous made a light humming sound. Something dark and dangerous stirred behind those crimson-flecked eyes.

“Everything, huh?”

Luminous shrugged again, focused on her smoothie and the couple outside.

“Everything I ever wanted.”

Chapter 10

Lady, Don’t Hurt Me.

Luminous Dream

The Nightmare creature confused Luminous. He’d spoken little as they made their way through the city, slipping between the mortal realm and the shadow paths, hopping between dreams of service workers napping on the bus, children sleeping in cribs, and single parents trying to catch a few minutes of rest before school pickup.

She discovered that a Night Terror could not bounce between daydreams, only travel the minds of those truly asleep. He noted wryly that her own skills extended only to those whose minds were open to joy and light.

“Yours is a game for optimists,” Preci told her as they sat among the branches of a convenient tree waiting for dusk.

“Lucky for me both Melanie and Gary want to be in love,“ she replied.

The streetlight above them clicked on, and they watched as Gary entered his home, tossing keys on a side table as he slipped out of his brown leather jacket. He yawned, clearly exhausted, then smiled lazily as he looked at something on his phone. Luminous presumed it was a message from Melanie. They’d been communicating frequently via text, and they’d already scheduled a date for the next evening.

Stretching her arms high above her head as Preci watched, his eyes roving hungrily over her body, Luminous continued explaining. “Their mutual dreamtime pining gets so cutesy my teeth ache. I barely have to try with these two.”