A: Pushing myself with you is how I’ve discovered that my sexual attraction boils down to two people—you being one.

Me: Would the other be this crush that you have?

A: Bingo. Tonight I’m going to find out if the attraction is mutual.

I’d wished him luck, but I knew tonight would be a turning point for us. A and B. Atlas and Blair. Both relationships are going to change, and I’m not sure yet if it’s for better or worse.

His golden brown hair is mused like he’s been running his fingers through it, and when his honey colored eyes meet mine it’s like all of the oxygen in the room is sucked out between us.

“Woah,” he says, eyes raking over my body in a way that has heat coiling in my core. “You look good.”

Our eyes meet again, and it’s like my body has a mind of its own as I step closer to him, only stopping when we’re inches apart and I can reach up and twist one of his curls around my finger.

“So do you.”

Atlas brings his hand up to my wrist, slowly pulling it away, but keeping his fingers on my skin even after.

“We should get going before Shiloh pre-games the rest of your beer.”

I smile because Atlas does, and his happiness is contagious. I thread my fingers through his and pull him away from the door, only letting go when I slip out and he mumbles “gotta piss.”

Shiloh is leaning against the wall—obviously waiting on his best friend—and he gives me a cocked brow but also an approving nod.

“Nice outfit.”

It’s times like these that I remember how vastly different our genes turned out. We might have the same parents, but whereas I take heavily after our Korean mom, Shiloh’s looks lean more toward Dad’s side, who is all southern American.

We both have dark hair and dark eyes—Shiloh’s more on the light brown side—and Shiloh has a mess of curls that would put a curling iron’s work to shame. He’s shorter and slightly less filled out than I am, but honestly not by much.

He has a graceful physique but could snap you in two in a heartbeat.

“Noah just finished off the brownies and is bouncing around like a kangaroo.”

I chuckle, leaning on the wall beside Shiloh.

“He’s ready to find a make out orgy to join.”

Shiloh blinks slowly. “Make out orgy?”

“Yup. Noah doesn’t do sex, so when he wants to ‘hook up’ it usually involves finding a group willing to swap spit with him for half the night.”

“Okay,” Shiloh says. “So he’s a lip whore?”

I choke back a laugh. “Something like that.”

The toilet flushes in the bathroom, and I throw my brother a quick smile. “You gonna be good tonight?”

He knows I don’t mean if he’s going to behave. I mean is he going to be able to handle the noise and the alcohol with his moods still being a little out of whack.

Still, he nods. “If it’s too much, I’ll let Atty know I need to go home.”

“That’s all I ask.” I raise my knuckles for a fist bump, and Shiloh just snorts.

“You’re only two years older than me. Quit acting like an old man.”

Shiloh is quick to snag Atlas’ attention as soon as the bathroom door opens, dragging him down the hall with bubbling excitement.

I shouldn’t encourage this thing between Atlas and I.