Page 96 of House of Deceit

“Hello, sir. Where to?” George asks, ever the professional.

“Back to the motel, please.” I can hear the lack of emotion in my voice, but there’s nothing I can do about it. As Charlie walked out the door, it felt like Death itself stopped my heart in my chest.

“It’s great you’re getting an early start to your evening. You’ve been working like crazy this season, Mr. King.”

I was working crazy hours because I wanted to be near her. In case she needed me. So I could see her.

He continues talking about small things, but I don’t respond. It’s as if I’m frozen in the back of this car, unable to move. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I consider throwing the device from the car but my finger swipes, answering the call of its own volition.

“Tom, how are you?” I say, putting on my wrangler voice, the only thing I can fall back on to appear calm.

“Alec, my boy, good to talk to you. Sheila rang me last night that you’d be joining my production and you were able to get your schedule worked out. I wanted to call you myself and welcome you to the production! My assistant is working on the details of how to get you out here. She should have them for you in about an hour.”

Realization that she knew she was going to fire me for longer than she let on sets in but I don’t let it take over. Settling into emotionlessness.

“That’s perfect, thank you so much for being flexible. I really appreciate the opportunity.”

“Of course! I’ve worked my entire career to be able to be flexible. See you on set tomorrow.”

He hangs up the phone and my hand drops back down to my lap.

I want to be excited. I want to be happy. I want to feel triumphant for finally beating the odds and getting the shot I’ve always wanted.

But Charlie’s face as I broke her heart, the shattered pieces of what we could have been littering the interview room floor, smothers every other feeling.

The mansion feels cavernous with only four people.

“Charlie Price, to the interview room, please.”

I put my coffee cup down and make my way through the house. The idea of going to the interview without Alec waiting inside for me rips my heart to shreds. Penelope always mentioned she enjoyed her wrangler, but it will never be the same.

As I weave through the labyrinth of the mansion, I wonder how many contestants are still close with their wrangler. Or do they all have to cut the cord to be there for their new charge? To not take work home, so to speak. Alec had mentioned previously he was not in contact with any of his previous charges. I always felt a glow of smugness when he’d tell me this. I knew I would be different. I knew he wouldn’t be able to leave me behind.

I was stupid for thinking it ever meant anything at all.

The woman sitting inside the room is tiny, with gray hair and sharp eyes. Her face is welcoming, but I know it won’t make a difference. This woman didn’t choose me. She was assigned. And that makes all the difference.

“Hi Charlie, I’m Martha. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Penelope only ever had good things to say about you.”

I sit down on the comfortable chair and stare her down as she tries to become my friend.

“No, she didn’t. Why would she? We weren’t particularly close and she started drama all the time,” I contest.

She smiles at me sheepishly. “I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

“So, you lied to me? Not a very good first impression, Martha.” I tsk.

Her expression changes from affable grandma to savvy wrangler.

“Oh, I’m sure Alec liked you very much. No one would have ever been brave enough to give him shit, but I have a feeling you did.”

“Why did you call me in here?”

I wasn’t going to talk about Alec with this woman. I wasn’t going to talk about Alec with anyone. He was mine. Everything that was aired from this room was made for the audience. We had worked hard at cultivating my image. I trusted him, with more than just how I was being portrayed to the people at home. But I don’t trust her.

“I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I have skimmed through your released footage and I see the angle Alec was taking and I figure I’ll continue with it. Everyone loves a girl next door they think they have a chance with. No need to change anything in the eleventh hour.”

“If that’s all,” I stand.