Page 63 of House of Deceit

“That’s okay. If our positions were reversed, I wouldn’t have walked away either,” I admit to him.

“So, Alec, huh? Someone is crushing hard on their wrangler.” He waggles his eyebrows at me and I laugh as embarrassment courses through me.

“Oh, did I say his name?” I would be embarrassed but I’m still high from my first orgasm in over a month.

“No, but I saw the two of you together today and then this? I put two and two together,” he says with a kind smile. “Our ‘relationship’ is for the sake of the game, so you don’t owe me any explanations. Besides, I’m not ready for anything real. But flirting with such a beautiful woman has been nice.” He winks at me and I can see the smallest tinder of happiness lighting in him.

“It’s been nice flirting with you, too,” I admit. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had any sort of attention, and this low-stakes thing has been nice.”

“I just want to make sure we can be friends? I really have enjoyed spending time with you and when we leave this house, I’m hoping that’ll continue.”

Relief floods through me that we are on the same page.

“I would really love that,” I say, grabbing his hand and giving it a quick squeeze.

He stands from the bed and pulls me to my feet, putting his hands on my shoulders.

“Time for ice cream?”

“With hot fudge?” I ask.

“You read my mind.” He takes my hand, and we head to the kitchen.

Everyone is getting dressed at the same time. Emotions are running high, with six people deciding the fate of eight. Everyone is running around, trying to secure last-minute votes of safety. Everyone except Keith has come to talk to me over the past few days and it’s been difficult since I can only save one person. Molly and I whisper back and forth, trying to be respectful that we are safe. Parker knots his tie and looks at me from head to toe before winking at me as he walks out.

“No sexual tension, my ass,” Molly mocks, shooting me an exaggerated wink and sauntering away as well. When I told Alec I’d agree to a fake relationship with Parker, we decided I would keep the arrangement secret until I get out of the mansion. I hope Molly can forgive me for lying to her once we are out of here.

My hands smooth down my green dress from the day I arrived. This is my favorite dress, and I chose it on purpose. My nerves are making me nauseous, wanting everyone to be able to stay but knowing that’s impossible. However, the confidence from my dress helps keep me steady. I crack my knuckles absentmindedly as I file toward the primary living room. We sit in tense silence, waiting.

“Deceivers! Welcome to elimination night!” Jacob Jacobson is his usual chipper self. It grates on a day when half of us will be departing. “Before we start, Charlie and Parker, congratulations on your win. You can expect your phone calls after next week’s privilege competition.”

“Thank you, Jacob,” Parker says.

“We can’t wait,” I respond.

“A reminder of what will happen this elimination cycle. The three winning teams will go into the interview room individually and cast their vote for who to save. Whoever wins the vote will be able to continue to week seven,” Jacob continues. “First up is Charlie.”

I stand from my chair, look at those on the chopping block, and know who I will save. Each step toward the interview room sounds like a death knell. These people have become my family; luckily, two of my favorites are already safe.

The room is empty except for the regular chair and a camera. A small part of me had hoped to find Alec waiting for me, but he is not. This is live. I sit down in the chair and clear my throat.

“I vote to save Keith,” I tell the audience at home. I went through everyone with Alec making pros and cons for each person, but at the end of the meeting, I knew I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to save anyone but my favorite grandpa.

Task complete, I stand and exit the room once more. When I get back, Jacob Jacobson calls Parker’s name.

“I’ve got your back. Don’t worry,” he whispers in my ear before making his way back to the room.

One by one, we make our way back to the interview room and cast our votes. Once Penelope sits back down, Jacob Jacobson pulls our attention back to him.

“Voting is now complete, and we have a tie. If I announce your name, please stand.”

We all wait on the edges of our seats.


Keith stands in his dark wash jeans, black button-down shirt, and worn cowboy boots.
