I’m going to have to leave and give her the space she needs before getting those answers.

With a heavy heart, I put on my shoes and socks, checking that I have everything on me as I put my jacket and coat on. Then I walk back to Jade, who is watching me with an expression that doesn’t know whether to be shocked or upset, her arms wrapped around her waist. She looks so delicate and innocent that I want to hold onto her and not let go.

Instead, I kiss her forehead and step back before I pull her into my arms.

“I’m just a phone call away if you need me for anything. You’ll let me know, won’t you?”

“Sure.” Jade’s mouth twitches. “I’ll let you know.”

Something tells me that she’s pulling away again. I really don’t want that. But Maddison is practically nudging me towards the door. Whatever is happening is not going to be revealed right now.

And it will leave me in knots until Jade contacts me to tell me what the hell is going on.

Chapter 16


I’mpregnant.Ican’tbelieve it. I slump on the couch, staring at the test I have just taken. The second of the package Maddison brought over for me. Both of them are saying the same thing.

I’m going to have a baby.

With Finn.

Oh, God.

“Jade?” Maddison waves a hand in front of my face. “Take this. You need it.”

I look up and see she’s holding a cup of tea, the steam wafting past my face. I shake my head.

“I can’t…”

“You’ve just had a shock, and you need some sugar. Didn’t you say before that tea with sugar is perfect for a shock?”

I don’t remember saying that, but I’m too confused and out of it to argue. So I take the mug, absently dropping the pregnancy test on the floor as I cup my hands around the boiling enamel. Maybe if it burns me, I’ll wake up from this dream.

But it hurts—a lot. And from the look of it, when Maddison crouches down and picks up the test, it’s not a dream.

“I’m glad I had an inclination and brought this over,” Maddison says as she puts the test on the table. “Although I wish I had better timing. I had no idea Finn was here.”

“No, it’s not your fault. I didn’t plan for him to be here.” I swallow and sip my tea, the liquid burning my lips. “It just…happened.”

“It just happened? When it comes to you and him, it always turns into the two of you pulling your clothes off.” Maddison shoves her hands into her pockets. “I’m surprised you even want anything to do with him now you know what he is to you.”

“When you meet someone, and there is…you know…” I try to find the words. God, my head feels so fuzzy. “Chemistry…I think…there’s only so much you can do before you give in, no matter what is going on.”

Maddison stares at me. Then she sighs heavily and settles into a chair.

“What are you going to do?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Finn needs to know about this. You are pregnant with his baby, after all.”

“I’m aware of that fact, Maddison.” I blink rapidly, realizing that I’m close to tears. “I don’t know what he’s going to say. He’s going to think I tried to trap him or something.”

“Did you not use protection at all?”

“Not…the first time…” I hurry on as Maddison groans. “But I’m on the pill! I thought I would be okay.”