Mom gives me a knowing look, and then I understand. Mom has been pestering me for months about finding a girlfriend to settle down with. I’m thirty-six now and haven’t dated anyone, even casually, in almost five years. After trying to find someone who actually wanted to be around Katie and wasn’t there for my money, I gave up on relationships. I put my focus on my work and my daughter. That was where my attention needed to be, but Mom didn’t seem to think so. She’s been dropping hints more and more lately, almost like she’s scared I will be dropping dead in a couple of months.
I groan.
“Mom, we’ve been through this. I’m not going to look for a girlfriend.”
“I’m just suggesting…”
“I know you are, but please stop. I promised Katie that I would give her my full attention this weekend, and I intend to do that. I’m not on the prowl for another woman.”
Mom sighs.
“I wish you wouldn’t call it that. You make it sound so sordid.”
I’m about to respond when Katie comes by. She grins at me as she picks up her suitcase, her auburn curls bouncing around her face.
“Ready to go, Dad? I can’t wait to get there!”
“It’s going to be a two-hour drive, Katie,” I remind her. “Do you have enough to keep you occupied?”
“Of course. That’s all sorted.” Katie heads towards the front door. “Come on, Dad!”
Mom laughs.
“She’s really excited, isn’t she?”
“Given this is all she’s talked about since Christmas, I’m surprised that she hasn’t worn herself out.” I pick up my suitcase. “See you Sunday evening, Mom. Have fun with the animals.”
“I’m sure we can entertain ourselves,” Mom says and winks at me. “Just like you can, I’m sure.”
I am not about to comment on that remark. Mostly because I know what she’s saying. Instead, I follow my daughter outside and unlock the car in the driveway. We’ll be up at the ski resort in a few hours, and then I can spend quality time with my daughter.
Women of any other kind can be left for another time. If I even want to think about it.
Chapter 2
“Areyoucomingdown,Jade?” Carmen asks, adjusting the goggles around her face. “There’s a bit of space now.”
“You go on ahead. I’ll meet you at the bottom.”
I’ve been so fascinated with the view to worry about skiing. It’s just beautiful up here, snow all around us and on the mountains. I can even see the skyline of Denver on the horizon. There was no snow in the city, so this felt like we were in another world entirely. The cold is biting; I feel it on my cheeks.
But I don’t care. I’m enjoying myself up here. We’ve been on the slopes for a few hours now, and I love it. Skiing has been something I’ve done since I was four years old, and I’ve found it impossible to find an activity so exhilarating. So when Carmen said she wanted to have a skiing weekend in the mountains for her birthday, I think I was more excited than her.
It’s also made me feel a lot better about my situation. Nate is out of my apartment, although he did try to stay longer than he was told. I had to get my friends to stand guard to make him leave; it was either that or call the police, and I was sorely tempted. But once Nate heard that I would do that, he hightailed it out of there. I have no idea where he is now. He could be with Miranda, but I don’t think that will happen after she heard how he spoke about her. Not my problem.
I just wish he would stop trying to contact me. My phone buzzed with messages and calls from him up to the chalet. I wanted to block him, but that wasn't possible until he gave me back the money I had loaned him. The second I could do that would be the most satisfying moment I could ever experience.
It’s a good thing there is pretty much no signal up in the mountains. I have an excuse not to see him hassling me. If he knows better, he won’t join us for the party. He’ll see that he won’t be welcome.
Adjusting my goggles, I wait for a gap between the skiers and push off. The wind slaps me in the face as I start gathering speed down the steep slope, and I have to stop myself from screaming in delight. I always feel like a little girl again when I start my run; it feels like I’m taking off, and I love how my heart races, knowing that I’m cruising down the hill.
I speed past a couple of my friends, who are taking the slower approach, and I give another slow group a wide berth, making sure not to spray them with snow. The bottom of the slope is coming closer sooner than I want, and I ease up on the pace by shifting my feet, slowing my approach as I get to the flat.
Only for a bundled figure to run across my path, carrying a snowboard and long black hair from under her helmet. She turns and backs up, laughing at something a tall man in snow gear was saying. I hear a shout and a scream as I try to stop, only for my feet to stop abruptly, and my body carries on going. The world tips and I begin to tumble. Then I hit the ground hard, which knocks the wind out of me.