“We’ll talk to your teachers about it tomorrow. I’m sure we can work things out.” I open the front door. “In you go. I’m sure Grandma has something ready for you to eat.”
“I still feel sick.”
“You need to have something to eat.” I kiss her head. “In you go.”
For a moment, I think that Katie’s going to complain, but she sighs heavily and goes inside. I know Mom is going to look after her. It will delay her going back home, but when I spoke to her on the phone earlier, she was adamant about helping with her granddaughter. Part of me wishes she wouldn’t fuss, but the other part is relieved that she will stay. I feel like a fish out of water right now.
As I return to the car to get our luggage, a sleek dark blue BMW turns into my driveway and pulls up behind my car. I don’t need to look at the driver to know who it is. My brother gets out from behind the wheel and joins me by the trunk.
“Hey, big brother.”
“What are you doing here, Kenny?”
“Mom called me about Katie. I thought I’d come and give you a hand.”
I can’t help but laugh at that.
“You think you can help a broody teenager with a broken arm?”
“Well, I need to give you a few updates, so it was a decent enough excuse to come over and not leave this until tomorrow.” Kenny looks towards the house. “Is Katie inside? How’s she doing?”
“She’s in pain and in a bad mood, but she’ll live. She’s lucky, considering what could have happened.” I open the trunk. “Give me a hand getting this into the house? My fingers are frozen, and I just want to get inside.”
“What am I to you? A butler?”
I shake my head.
“Just because you’re my brother and I love you dearly doesn’t mean I can’t smack you for that.”
Kenny chuckles.
“I’ll claim assault by an employer instead.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll help you out.” Kenny grabs one of the suitcases and yanks it out. “It’s gotten pretty cold out here, and the longer we stand here squabbling, the more I’m going to freeze.”
I ignore his comments, grabbing the second suitcase and shutting the trunk. Double-checking that I’ve locked it, I follow Kenny into the house. I hear Mom in the kitchen and the sound of crockery moving around. Katie is in view, sitting at the center counter and watching whatever is happening. She looks miserable, and my heart breaks for her again. I wish I could make her feel better, but short of giving her a new arm, I can’t do that.
At least Jade had been there. I don’t know what could have happened if she wasn’t.
Kenny puts the suitcase down and says hello to his niece.
“She doesn’t look any worse for wear.”
“She’s lucky it wasn’t worse, all things considered.” I beckon Kenny to follow me after I put my case down, and we head toward my study. “You don’t know what panic is until you see your kid in such pain, and you can’t take it away for them.”
“You’re not making parenting look inviting, Finn.”
“It’s not meant to be. It’s exhausting and rewarding, but it’s at times like this when I have to freak out. And I hate doing that.” Entering my study, I slump into my armchair by the window and close my eyes. A headache is building behind my eyes, and it’s throbbing. “If it hadn’t been for…well, I’m sure we would be okay, but having her there made it easier once I stopped panicking.”
“Someone else was involved?” Kenny raises his eyebrows. “Did someone do this to Katie?”
“No, of course not. It was just a freak accident, that’s all. But someone was there to help us.”
“Ah, so you had a guardian angel.”
I don’t know if I would call her that, but Jade was undoubtedly the more level-headed one out on the slopes. I tell Kenny about her, how we met, and how things went. I express my annoyance at the damn woman, concern for her well-being after meeting her ex, and admiration for being prepared and taking charge when I normally do it. When I finish, Kenny, leaning against my desk, is watching me with a look of amusement. I frown at him.