“I think we can sort something out there. You don’t have to worry about that.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “There's no doubt we’ve got a few issues to iron out, but I want to be with you. The fact that you’re pregnant with my baby is not the driving force, either. It just ends up being a bonus, that’s all.”

“Does that mean…?”

“That I want to raise the baby with you? Yes, I do.” I tilt her face up and kiss her softly. “I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m just asking you to be my girlfriend. Because I want to be with you—would you agree to that?”

“Do you think I can say otherwise when I’m in your arms, and you’re kissing me like this?”

“Okay.” I release her and step back. “How about now? Can you give me an answer?”


“What? You said you struggled to give me a proper answer when I was holding you.”

“That’s not…” Jade groans. “God, you’re an asshole.”

“There is a teenager nearby, Jade.”

“I’m sure she’s said worse than that.” Jade regards me thoughtfully. “You really mean it? You want to be with me?”

“I mean it. I’ve spent too much time going from hot to cold with you because of everything between us. I want you in my life a little more solidly than that, and no dancing around.” I hesitate. “Is that something you can manage? Can you see yourself dating your landlord?”

For a moment, Jade doesn’t say anything. Then she gives me a beaming smile.

“I think I can see that. Just as long as I get a discount on the rent.”


“I’m just joking with you,” she laughs as she approaches me, putting her arms around my neck. “I can see myself dating you. But we’ll have to get that landlord part sorted, you know? I don’t want business to get mixed in with personal life.”

“I can see to that.” I hold her close as I kiss her. “Just as long as you give me plenty of pleasure.”

“I thought you said your daughter was here.” Jade glances towards the door. “And Dad might have heard that.”

“Don’t remind me of him. I’ve got to be interrogated by him now.”

“It’s not going to be that bad. Dad will be won over.” Jade bites her lip, a cheeky glint in her eye. “Eventually.”

I’m still groaning as she kisses me. God, she is going to keep me on my toes.

And I’m looking forward to it.

Chapter 18


One Year Later

IfinallyputCassieback into her crib, and she barely wakes up. She’s getting better at that; until recently, she has been falling asleep on my chest and waking up to scream when she realizes that she’s being moved. I’m lucky if I can get her into her crib and get her to settle down after ten minutes. Now she’s feeding, falling asleep, and then I can put her down.

Much as I love cuddling her, I do need to sleep myself.

Tiptoeing from the nursery, I make my way through the dark to my bedroom. Finn rolls over as I close the door behind me.

“Is she asleep?” he asks.

“She is. And I’m hoping she’ll stay asleep until the morning.” I yawn loudly as I approach the bed. “I’m looking forward to when she’ll sleep through the night, and we don’t have to go and check on her all the time.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. She’ll get used to it.” Finn smiles and draws me into his arms as I get into bed. “She’s in her own room now, and she seems to like it. If we’re lucky, she’ll sleep through eventually.”