“Hey!” Nate shouts. “Why are you walking away from me? I was talking to Jade!”
“And she’s done talking to you,” I snarl over my shoulder. “How about you leave before we call the police?”
“They won’t do anything.”
“They will once I’ve had a word with them.” Then I remember Jade’s father, who is still standing on the lawn watching us. His eyes narrow as he looks at me. “Or maybe you would like a good soaking. Someone seems ready to do that.”
“Damn right, I am,” Jade’s father growls. Then he sees Katie hurrying towards us and clears his throat. “Pardon my language.”
“Do you mind if I bring my daughter inside, Mr. Summers? I had to bring her along with me.”
“Oh…of course.” Mr. Summers blinks. “Although I need an explanation as to who you are as well. Once I’ve gotten rid of this bozo.”
“Gladly. If you let me talk to Jade first, I'll tell you everything.”
I realize those questions are going to be very awkward for me. I have no idea what Jade’s dad will think, knowing that her landlord is his grandchild’s father, but it can’t be good. Nate still stands where we left him, his expression saying he has no clue what is happening.
“What…what the hell?” He starts towards Jade. “I was talking to Jade! Where do you get off…?”
He doesn’t get any further before Mr. Summers turns on the hose and hits Nate in the face with a fierce torrent of water. Nate gargles and stumbles back, tripping over his own feet and ending up on his backside on the drive. I hear Jade giggling, and I see her clamp her hand over her mouth. Katie is openly smirking.
“Katie. Inside. If you want to be still somewhat dry, Nate, I suggest you go and leave us alone. Or would you rather have the police? At least they won’t spray you with cold water.”
Nate is still wiping the water from his face as I lead Jade into the house. I hear him shouting Jade’s name, but I ignore him. Mr. Summers can deal with him.
Katie is hovering in the hallway, looking from me to Jade. Jade frowns at her.
“What are you doing here, Katie? I don’t recall giving you my address.”
“That’s my fault,” I say before Katie can respond. “You have your dad as an emergency contact on your tenancy. You weren’t home, so I guessed you would be here.”
“Complain about me misusing information later. Right now, you and I need to talk.” I nod at Katie. “Could you put the kettle on and see if you can make Jade a cup of tea? Then give us some space.”
“Sure, Dad.” Katie hesitates. “Is it going to be okay?”
I hope so. I send her a smile as I urge Jade to sit down.
“I’ll be fine. Off you go.”
Katie disappears, and Jade frowns up at me.
“You remember that I prefer tea to coffee?”
“Of course I do. How can I not know when you’ve got teabags all over your apartment.”
“Hey! No, I don’t!”
“Close enough. I do pay attention to these things.”
I sit beside her, and I have no idea what to say for a moment. How do I start this? Maybe with what I heard when I arrived. That would be a good starting point.
“So…” God, I sound like a fool starting this. “You’re pregnant.”
Jade looks nervous, shifting a little away from me.
“I am,” she mumbles.