I laugh at that comment.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. You are quite outspoken when you want to be.”
“Someone has to be.” Katie picks up some fries. “So what—are you going to make it official? I’m guessing, with how distracted you’ve been recently, you haven’t asked her to be your girlfriend.”
“It’s easier said than done, Katie. It’s not like I can go up to her and actually ask.”
“We do it at school all the time.”
“Does that mean you’ve got yourself a boyfriend?”
Katie laughs.
“Not yet. But I’ve had guys come up and ask me on a date. I haven’t been out with anyone in a while, but it’s good fun.” She munches on her fries. “I'm just saying, Dad. If a thirteen-year-old can come up to me and ask me out, then a grown man like you can go to an adult woman and ask her on a date. Or ask her to be your girlfriend, whichever you want.”
I shake my head.
“Things change when you grow up, honey. It’s not that simple.”
“Sometimes, that’s all you need. It must be embarrassing to have a teenager with more courage than you.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll stop.” Katie holds up her hands. “Although I think you should just ask her. If you’re going back and forth all the time, you’ll never get anywhere.”
Since when have I started taking dating advice from my daughter? I sigh and sit back in my seat.
“As I said, it’s not that simple. I’d like it to be, but…”
“I know, life sucks. And yours is going to suck if you don’t tell Jade how you feel about her.”
Now that I can agree on. I’ve just figured out how to talk to Jade about this without sounding like an idiot. I pick up my burger again.
“How about we go on a quick trip after this?” I suggest. “You need to get a few more books from the store, don’t you? I believe you said you were on the last one.”
It takes a moment for Katie to understand what I’ve just said. Then she’s grinning at me and attacking her burger with gusto. I carry on with my food, hoping to do the right thing. Katie is right; I need to be braver about this. I can’t keep dancing around Jade and not know where we stand. That’s not fair on either of us.
And, if I’m being honest with myself, the thought of letting Jade go to be with anyone else doesn’t sit well with me. As far as I’m concerned, she’s mine.
Then you had better go and prove it instead of letting her dictate the dance. This time, she has to follow your lead.
Chapter 17
Ittakesmeamoment to remember where I am when I wake up. It’s not my apartment, and I haven’t fallen asleep in the back of the store. I’m at my family home. Dad is downstairs, more than likely pottering away in the garden, and I’m in my childhood room.
When I called Dad and asked if I could stay with him for a few days, he immediately agreed. He said he would set up my room to be ready for me when I arrived. And it was, looking as if I’d never left it. The bed looked so comfortable that I just crawled into it. Sleep crept up on me faster than I anticipated.
Maddison said she would keep an eye on the store for now. She has taken some time off, and she’s helped me out before, so she knows what to do. I said we could close it for a day and leave a notice on the door, as she suggested, but Maddison said she didn’t mind.
I love her to bits for being a fantastic person.
At least it gives me time to think about what I’m going to do about Finn. He certainly needs to know about the pregnancy; keeping this from him is unfair. He has a right to have a say in what he wants to do. If he wants to raise the child with me as a co-parent, I can do that. If he doesn’t want to have anything to do with the baby, I’ll cope on my own.
I just hope he doesn’t immediately propose to me, saying that it would be best for the baby. I can’t do that; that’s not fair at all. We would end up stuck together, and only because of a baby. Sure, we have great chemistry, but that won’t be enough for us to cope in a marriage.
Even if I do love him.