“I’m not thinking aboutthat, Dad! I mean, talking about being with a woman like they’re your girlfriend. You haven’t done that in a very long time. And there’s a spring in your step.”

“A spring in my step?” I can’t help but laugh at that. “Given that I’ve felt like I’m in a slump, I’m surprised there was a spring at all.”

“Granted, I’ve seen how low you’ve been and felt bad about it.”

“How come?”

“Because I love you, and I wish to help.” Katie frowns. “I hate seeing you sad.”

I don’t think I can love my daughter more than I already do. She is far too sweet for her own good. I’m not looking forward to the teenage tantrums that are on the horizon. I’m sure that they’re not too far away.

I squeeze her hand before I grab some fries and dip them in the barbecue sauce.

“You don’t need to worry about that. It’s not your responsibility to make me happy all the time. You’re my daughter, not my mom.”

“Grandma was concerned as well. She wasn’t sure how she would cheer you up, either.”

“Grandma worries too much about me.” I chew on the fries before I speak. “Look, Jade and I are…well, I don’t know if we can consider each other friends, but we get along. There are some bumps in that friendship because I am her landlord, but we’re getting there.”

“And then some,” Katie adds.

“What does that mean?”

“Like I said, I’m not stupid. You wouldn’t be staying out all night just for a friend, especially not a female friend.”

“Of course I would!”

“I know you, Dad. No, you wouldn’t.”

I groan.

“I wish you would stop doing that.”

Katie grins and takes another bite of her burger, chewing in silence for a moment. The burger is almost gone. Either I ordered a smaller burger than I thought, or Katie’s mouth has somehow gotten bigger. It gives me a chance to take a bite of my burger. Damn, that tastes good. I do love coming to this diner for the food.

A couple of previous and potential girlfriends commented about my wealth and why I would go to a diner instead of a high-class restaurant where you spend three figures on a starter. I have gone to them a few times, but I prefer the simplest foods, and there’s more for your money. Besides, I wasn’t about to take Katie to those places all the time, not when she was growing. Plus, she would be the youngest by almost twenty years, for the most part.

Those girlfriends didn’t stay for long once they made more comments that showed they were with me for my money rather than who I was. I had no time for people who preferred money over the person they were with. And I certainly had no time for anyone who didn’t accept the fact I was a single dad. I was not abandoning Katie for anyone.

“I just want to know what you’re up to, Dad. That’s all.” Katie slurped at her soda. “I love you, and I want you to be happy. And if you’re thinking about dating someone, I want to ensure you know what you’re doing.”

“I know. And I know what I’m doing.”

I think. I’m not really sure anymore. Jade pulls me in and then pushes me away. I don’t know what to do anymore. But all I am sure of is that I am in love with her. I want to be with her. Sure, our relationship—if we can call it that—is not conventional, and we do need to iron some things out, but I know that I want her. Not just for that gorgeous body but for her mind. Her sense of humor. Her smile. I feel good around her.

We just need to tweak a few things. And that’s easier said than done when Jade keeps pushing me away.

“Just don’t hurt Jade, Dad,” Katie says. “I like her.”

“I like her, too.”

“As inlikelike?”

I roll my eyes.

“Yes, just like that. I’m glad you like her, but can you share me with her if I pursue this into a relationship? Saying you like her and actually being around her when she’s my girlfriend can be completely different.”

“Dad, I’m not a jealous person. I know you can have a relationship with me and one with Jade. She doesn’t seem the type to get between us, anyway.” Katie smiles. “She’s nice. And if you’re happy with her, then I’m happy. But if she hurts you, you’ll know how I feel.”